"You don't have a choice!" Grandma Ray yelled, "My brother had no choice and neither do you! You're going to have to be ready because I am too old to protect you from this." Grandma Ray seemed to lose herself completely as she walked to the other side of the room, grabbing a book she threw it at me. I caught it, confused, looking at the smooth cover. "Read it and learn it before its too late." Were her last words before taking her cane and walking out the bedroom.


I lay on the bed, still staring at the cover. Everything seemed to happen faster then expected. I didn't expect that the visions were important in this kind of way. I use to have them as a child and they would just tell me that something I needed to know was coming. I guess that's technically what they did, but I don't like this one too much.

Soft music was playing from my radio. The type of music I listened to usually effected my mood. Mom would tell me that when I was fussing as a child she would just turn on soft music to calm me. I guess it still works to this day. Freshman year of college I had listened to 'Bob Marley' and it was the first time I felt chill?

"What day is it?" I asked Daniel, realizing something major about my family.

"Wednesday? Why?" As soon as the words left his mouth I looked at the clock and saw it turn to exactly 12 o'clock, I smiled as a bell chimed from down the hall.

"Put this on!" I instructed Daniel, handing his orange pants from under my bed. I put on a similar pair of loose orange pants. Daniel does what I say... for some reason? He leaves on his shirt and I take the bold choice of loosing up the strings on his pants.

We were close and that wasn't how normal friends are usually close, right? I felt his breath on my nose but I tried to focus on fixing the pants. When they were fixed I took a step back, but he pulls me closer with my pants.

"They weren't centered." He says, his minty breath sending chills down my spine. I chuckle, pulling him closer with the hem of his shirt.

"You're shirts supposed to be off." I whisper then leave out the room, leaving my shirt in a chair. What was that? Why is my heart beating as fast as it is? Where did that courage come from? Was that flirting? So many unanswered questions and I didn't mind that. I just wanted to go do Wednesday night traditions.

Entering into the living room, everyone was seated. I heard Daniel follow after me as I sat on the ground. I looked over at him when he sat beside me. His hair was still damp from his shower. His shirt was off... his shirt- I had to look away quickly before I got carried away with thoughts.

"It's the day we've all been waiting for!" My mother grinned. he was wearing an orange loose dress that hit the floor, as was Grandma Ray. My dad was wearing the same thing as me and Daniel. My mom took out a box that I remember from when I was younger. Turning sixteen was a big thing in the family. On the Wednesday after your sixteenth birthday you would get woken up to join everyone in the living room, there is where we would all get together and get... well... fucked up. It was just all of us smoking and drinking. My family thought of it as a way to release your mind or thinking outside the box but more fun.

I didn't care if Daniel saw me how I was going to be tonight. I needed this.

"Hey, you don't have to do this if you don't want to, no pressure or anything." I had whispered to him. He seemed confused until the hard stuff came out of the box. Varieties of liquor and drugs were put out in front of us. He seemed to smile a bit and turn to me.

"Your family is so cool." I hadn't though of my parents as cool... I thought of them as weird. Their parenting skills weren't something you would see on television. When my sister and I would get in trouble at school or other places they would neglect us and leave us to ourselves. Which could sound okay to most people... but it's not. I had got in trouble for biting a kid when I was seven and my family would leave me to myself. They wouldn't talk to me, feed me (if I wanted something I'd have to get it myself), help me with homework, give me hugs when I cried about being ignored, or even locked the door when I was outside and didn't come in before curfew.

My dad rolled up the first joint and I knew at that exact moment that I was going to get fucked up.


I was drunk and high... I'm high and drunk. Daniel was laughing at something my parents had said and I didn't seem to pay any attention to anything. I did however almost piss my pants laughing when Grandma Ray threw a booger at my mom. I wanted to go into the bedroom and deal with this feeling of release without my parents. So that's what I did, I got up and left for my bedroom.

I was alone in there for a while, the music still playing softly, the air was slightly cold and the only light in the room was my lamp. The door suddenly opened and closed back up again. Daniel wobbled back in, probably getting the same feeling I was.

"Hey." Daniels voice was deep and flirty? He sat down on the bottom of the bed. "You come here often?" I laughed loudly.

"No," I dragged out the 'o' and slurred out my next words. "I only live here silly." I had sat closer to him, feeling his body heat on my skin. I had an impulse to move his hair out of his face and I seemed to follow all my impulses tonight. As soon as I put the strand of hair with the rest, I didn't want to move my hand, so it just rested on his cheek.

We were just staring at each others eyes, and I liked the situation we were in. His hand suddenly gripped my thigh and swung me over his waist. Don't I barely know the guy? Didn't we just meet? Why did me being in his arms feel safe? Why was it so right? He kept his hand on the nook of my back. I put both of my hands on the back of his neck.

"Is it weird to feel so good in your arms when we had only just met?" I kept looking into his sparking eyes. They were filled with comfort and lust. I felt like I was just lost in his gaze, forgetting everything around me.

"I feel good in this position, your hands caressing me, your eyes studying me, and even how close we are." He looked positive. Something in me said that everything about us two together was going to be more then just friends.


I woke up hungover. It was a dreadful feeling but it meant I had a good night. I turned over on my other side and saw Daniel in my bed. I look down under the covers fast and see that I still have my clothes on, good. I don't remember what happened last night. The last thing I could think of was when I had chugged a shit ton of straight up vodka. I climbed out of bed carefully and quiet. I made it outside the bedroom when I had to stop in my steps. There was blood going down the wall and to the kitchen. I had quickly followed it to see Grandma ray on the floor. She wasn't breathing or moving.

The while house is quiet, no one is there. There is a throbbing in my head when a deep male voice speaks and blurries my vision.

"It's time." It says as visions of my mom and dad are filling me head. They were soaking wet and shivering. Their lips had turned a purple and their skin had gone pale.


Okay, this could be really bad and I'd really appreciate it if someone would comment which paragraphs had some typos. It's hard typing with these damn nails.

Elecea signing off*


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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