Lady in White- Version II

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Here in the dead of night,
as I lay restless.
A bright light cascades through
my open window.

Curiosity took over
and without hesitation
I slipped on my shoes
and walked out.

There you stood,
rays abound you
and a gentle gust
pushing through your
white gown.

Your hair so golden
and your skin so fair.
A smile so perfect,
with eyes so blue.

It was a dream so realistic,
that my dream came true.

For how could such beauty
be bound to this world.
A vision so perfect
in a world so crude.

A phantasm, a dream
but a dream so real.
Your touch, your breath,
a kiss too tangible.

How I wish this were true,
the love that we shared,
was not just fantasy.

This dream turned to memory,
seems too good to be true.
I fear that our love
was only ethereal.

Two souls lost,
in love and time,
do both still wander
for another one moment.

Was it possible,
we were not meant,
two lost lovers,
whose love is forbid.

Do you also wonder
if I exist,
were you really a dream.

Could we both be together,
if we meet again,
are you even on earth,
or in the same time.

Are we really lost souls,
so far apart.
Did you even exist.

A lady in white,
with hair so golden,
a dream so real,
I wish it were true.

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