Not A Normal Temperature Sick pt2

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(okay quick note before i start. i've been having some family issues and such, meaning, i haven't been able to upload. all is well now and i WILL be updating.)

Still Sangwoos pov

I seriously don't know why Yoona is acting like a complete asshole.
I look at him from across the room, watching him whisper sweet nothings to himself
I guess I'll go have fun since he wants to make this into a big ass deal. What did I do to him?

I grab my car keys and look for my fake ID
Once I find it, I get into my car and drive to a bar to talk to some people who might have some sense in them right now

I get a drink and show my ID while i pay for it. A guy sitting beside me keeps looking at me and I decide to make small talk.
"Hey, how are you today?"
He looks at me and rubs the back of his head nervously.
"I'm doing pretty good actually, you?"

"I could be better, theres an annoying pet at my house that won't stop whining. I give it everything it wants, and all I get is complaining and disrespect."

"So that's why you're at the bar.. Makes sense. I just got off work for lunch so I decided to treat myself to a drink, it's my birthday"

"What's your name?"

"Hirata. You?"

"Happy birthday Hirata, I'm Oh Sangwoo."

"I swear I heard that name somewhere"

"Probably have, I have to get going. Have a good day"

Hirata looks down trying to remember where he's heard that name

Sangwoo goes to his car and quickly leaves.

DAMMIT! I hope he doesn't remember...

I drive back home in complete silence and walk upstairs


He's gone.

Sangwoo x YoonbumDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora