Chapter Twenty Six ~ Battle of Nurmengard

Start from the beginning

"Often the hardest criticism to take is that from your dearest friend."

Gellert nodded. "Sometimes they are our hardest opponents."

"True." Albus dipped his head in respect.

"So where do we stand now? Are we working together, or have you come here to stop me?"

"You already know the answer." Albus gave a solemn smile, "We both know the outcome of this meeting, we have known it for a long time."

"What are you talking about?" Marcus limped his way back up the hill, "What is this?"

"It is commonplace for brilliant minds to be attracted to one another. Normally it is either to collaborate or oppose. We have been lucky enough to do both in our lifetime." Albus winced at his own words.

"Lucky." Gellert drifted into his memories, a faint smile playing on the corners of his mouth.

"You'll be lucky to make it out of here alive," someone yelled from the crowd, drawing a few supporting cheers.

"I don't believe we have such differing opinions that we should want each other dead." Albus couldn't take his eyes off Gellert.

"No," Gellert replied, tiredness creeping into his voice.

"This is just a stalling technique! He's going to keep us talking until backup arrives, give it ten more minutes and this place will be swarming with aurors." Demetrius pushed his way to the front of the mob so he was level with Gellert.

"Is this true?" Pain filled Gellert's eyes.

"I could never work alongside anyone who makes it a mission statement to keep two friends apart."

Gellert whipped his head around in the direction of the forest where Albus had appeared. With his wand warm in his hand, he sent a jinx into the bushes and sapling trees.

With a yelp a plump wizard with a rapidly receding hairline jumped out from his cover, stubby little fingers caressing his shoulder where he had been hit.

"Then what do you call this?" Gellert pointed viciously at the stranger.

"I'm not sure." Albus turned to the man, "How would you like to be addressed?"

The man, completely dumbfounded by Albus' response fumbled his words for a moment until eventually, he was able to give his name, "Perry Winkleman. Auror."

"Do you think me stupid, Albus?"

"Never. I think you see and feel more than most." Albus shot daggers at the man who was regretting ever signing up for the job.

"Then explain this."

"Why don't you ask him, since I've never met him before in my life."

"I'm not at liberty..." His sentence was cut off by his agonising scream. "I'll lose my job."

"Carry on like this and it will be your life." Gellert clutched his wand tight.

"Albus," the man wept. The pain was making him nauseous his jam on toast creeping closer to his mouth with every wave of pain. "They are waiting for a sign."

"What sign?" Gellert rounded on Albus.

Albus shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you supposed to give the signal?" He towered over Perry, who barely managed to nod his response. Seething with anger, he trapped the gentleman in a giant translucent blue bubble. "You can try what you like in there, but I warn you, that thing doesn't like people fighting it."

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