"Oh! I'm sorry..." Maya frowned. "How stupid of me. You were thinking of Brian, weren't you?"

"I..." Roger stammered, feverishly scanning Maya's serious expression. "What are you on about?"

Maya smirked. "No need to play coy, Rog. I know you had this planned out."


"You planned to take me up to the roof on New Years all along."

"Well, er - yes. I anticipated something to happen but-"

Maya pulled his face closer to hers. "I've always wanted to be proposed to on New Years Eve."


Maya giggled. "Yes. Sorry to spoil the moment, but there's no need to go through the formalities. After all, we already live together. We're already friends. We pretty much skipped dozens of those dreary relationship stages. We can just skip right to the chapel."

Roger mouth fluctuated between opening and closing as he tried to force words out from his throat. "Maya..."

"I know, I know. Eloping sounds a little impulsive but..." Maya pressed herself closer to him. "I don't want us to have sex before we're married. And the problematic thing is..." Maya planted faint kisses along his jaw. "I want you now."

"Maya..." Roger shuddered as Maya pressed herself closer to him. He gulped as he shook her off, pushing her back slightly, making her face him as he gathered himself. "Look, Maya... Fuck, how do I say this..." He sighed as Maya tilted her head, seemingly oblivious to his panic. "You... You're..." Roger's voice dropped as he began to observe a faint ghost of a smile shimmer across Maya's lips. "You're... You're fucking with me, aren't you?"

Maya's body collapsed into his as she spat out a raucous laugh, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his neck to muffle the sound. 

"Maya, for fuck's sake." Roger exclaimed, muffling a groan with his hand.

"Your... face..." Maya wheezed, trying to catch her breath. She pulled back from him, keeling over in laughter.

"You evil minx." Roger's eyes squinted venomously at her. "Maya... C'mere..." His voice dropped to a low hum.

Maya straightened herself abruptly. Her laugh stopped in her throat as she observed his expression. He approached her stealthily like a snake slithering through grass awaiting to jump out towards its prey. She stepped backwards, inching away from him as the intensity in his eyes burned wildly.

"Rog..." Maya put her hands up defensively, as her voice cracked under his intense stare. A devilish smirk appeared across his lips as he saw how helpless she was now. No longer the one laughing, Maya shifted further away from him, trying to subtly feel her way for the door.

"C'mere..." His voice hummed again.

Maya saw as his eyes shifted towards her hand which was stealthily clasping around the door handle leading downstairs. His eyes rapidly shifted back to her. A pause suspended between them as an identical mischievous smirk appeared on both their lips.

Roger lurched forward. Maya squealed as she pulled open the door, trying to close it behind her as she ran down the stairs. Roger was a significantly much better runner than her, so as he chased behind her, she was sure to weave around the crowds of people to create more obstacles for him.

Soon enough, they couldn't see each other through the crowds. Though, that didn't matter. They both knew where they were running to.

Roger lost sight of Maya, unsure if she ran ahead and already made it to their apartment or got caught up in a crowd. He had hoped it was the latter, wishing to beat her there.

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