Can You Hear Me? Pt.8

Start from the beginning

"I love you too Y/N." 

You give him one more big grin before sliding out of his arms and off the bed. "You said your mom made me breakfast?"

Johnny laughs and nods. "You and your one track mind." 


After the late breakfast, you and Johnny head into downtown Chicago. 

He holds your hand the whole time in the car despite you worrying about him not having two hands on the wheel. He made driving look so smooth and effortless which made you feel a bit better even if he didn't have two hands on the wheel. 

Eventually he found a parking spot that was relatively near everything.

He looked like he could barely hold in his excitement to show you the first stop. He bounced on his tiptoes with his face half buried in his scarf. 

"You ready babe?" He grinned big at you and took your hand. 

You walk up with Johnny to this giant sculpture. It literally looked like a Bean. A giant silver bean. You could even see your reflection in it. You saw a bundled up girl next to a giant less bundled up man. Said man was still smiling big at you with his phone in his hand, taking pictures. 

"So what do you think?" 

"It really is a bean." You laugh, "But it's really cool looking. And it's so reflective."  

"And one of the other cool things is taking pictures in it." He holds up his phone and pulls you close. You both smile into the bean as Johnny snaps picture after picture, occasionally changing it up and making silly faces or planting kisses on each others cheeks.

Once done with pictures, you walk around the whole bean a few times just taking it in. Johnny trails behind you, watching you. You brush your gloved fingertips up against the cold hard surface, watching how the different angles of the Bean bend the reflection of you. You spend some more time looking until your shivering makes Johnny take you to the next stop he has planned. 

"I haven't been to an aquarium in forever!"  You exclaim as you walk into the entrance. You bet you look like a kid in a candy shop. You just found aquariums to be so cool and whimsical at times. 

Johnny laughs as he walks with you to the first exhibit. "You're so freakin cute." 

You blush a little and hit his arm. He grabs your arm and brings your hand to his mouth, kissing your fingertips gently. Which makes you blush even more and you look away slightly. 

He laughs at your reaction and interlocks your fingers before letting you take the lead. 

You look just like a little kid sometimes the way you almost press your face against the glass at different exhibits. Johnny just chuckles softly and shakes his head at you all while taking pictures of you.

At one point you take off away from him and when he catches up to you, you're plopped down on the ground right in front of the glass of a huge tank that extends floor to ceiling.

You have this wide-eyed expression on your face. You're so enthralled by the fish and other sea creatures in the tank that you don't even notice when Johnny finally caught up with you.

"Oh my gosh she's so perfect." He says in his head to himself while looking at you. 

"I can feel you..." You say softly still looking at the sea creatures. "I didn't know what you said, but I can feel what you're feeling." 

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