chapter one

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"you have don't know how to make toast?!" Clarke exclaims as Raven attempts to get her toast out of the toaster.

"Yes, yes I do Clarke, I just like it extra toasty. No, I don't. The toaster is on fire Clarke!" She says to the blonde attempting to out out the fire

"It's the simplest thing in the world, all you do is put bread in it and push the handle down!" "You're majoring in mechanical science!" Clarke frantically yells as she tries to put the fire out before the smoke alarm goes off.

"Jesus, Rae how do you set a toaster on fire, again, for the eighth time." Clarke says putting down the fire extinguisher.

"I don't know, how do you fall and trip on your shoelaces everytime we go out?" Clarke glares over at the raven haired girl.

"Not the point here Rae, just throw away the toaster, we'll have to go out and get a new one."

"Why'd I decide to become dorm mates with you?" Clarke says, rollimg her eyes as she goes to change out of her clothes that now smell like burnt toast

"Why'd I decide to become dorm mates with you?" Clarke says, rollimg her eyes as she goes to change out of her clothes that now smell like burnt toast

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We're getting a new toaster

Tagged: RocketRae

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god, how many toasters have you bought this semester?


maybe if you just don't buy a toaster anymore that'll solve the problem

but my toast ):

"ooh! A jumpstreet!" Raven says getting sidetracked. "Raven, toaster remember?" "Yeah but nah" she says fastly swerving in to the lane to get into jumpstreet.

"Okay well I guess we're going to jumpstreet.'' Clarke laughs.

"I'm gunna kick your ass at Dodgeball Griffin"

"uh huh, sure" The blonde says taking off her shoes.

They get up on the arena and already, Raven is throwing balls while jumping up and down ecstatically as she throws a ball at Clarke's head

This time, she catches it "How'd you do that-"

"if it means you winning of course I'll catch it" she says smiling and throwing the ball back at her.

"Well that was fun" Raven says as she closes the car door "Okay, toaster time" Clarke says starting up the car

"nah" Raven says as she buckles. "What do you mean 'nah' " Clarke says looking at her friend as she had just murdered someone

"I mean, we don't need to get the toaster today, do we?"

"Well I mean I guess not" Clarke sighs thinking about how she won't be able to have toast for a while.

"fuck, FUCK, FUUUUCK" Raven yells from the other room as Clarke puts her keys down on the desk next to her bed

"What?!" Clarke says rushing over to her.

"I stubbed my toe" Raven says looking up at Clarke with puppy eyes, laughing

"oh my god Raven, no need to scream bloody murder" Clarke says getting up, hitting her friend in the back of the head

"Well it hurt" the girl says pouting

"okay well I don't care" Clarke Says laughing and heading into the kitchen.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Raven says sitting down on the couch. "Yeah sure, pick one, I'll make popcorn." Clarke says

Raven always picks Big Hero 6 it's a Disney movie, no one would question it for a second. But Clarke can't lie, she does cry when Tadashi dies.

"Thanks for the popcorn Griff" Raven says shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth as her blonde haired friend sits down

"We're watching Big Hero 6" she says with a gleam in her eyes

"Yeah, I figured" Clarke chuckles

"Y'know what I could go for instead the blonde says looking over at her

"What?" She says as she shoves another handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Toast" she says with a smile

woah, I updated but a different book
I can't lie, I was pretty unmotivated with my last book and so I decided to try with another, chapters n' stuff won't be as long and I can't promise consistent updates but I'll try.

As always this chapter is dedicated to my number 1 and 2 cryorcry who honestly made me motivated and checked up on me which always made me smile, I love her a lot.

(DISCONTINUED) she - a clexa auWhere stories live. Discover now