Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I feel better, having eaten more as I venture out beyond what I've already explored. The day drags on as I walk for miles and miles

I follow the stream for hours, watching as the water thins out into a swampy area. Then it swells and deepens once again by at lease four feet. The river slopes up a small hill, flowing steadily. I rest at the end of it. It's odd, how soft and luscious the grass is on this hill. I lay back for a moment, letting out a sigh of relief. I can't stay long though, I have to keep moving.

I've just about had it with these damn overhanging branches. I push past the last trees, and enter a clearing. I gasp when I lay eyes on what's in front of me. It's... A waterfall? It towers over me by at least thirty feet, pouring down water from the enormous hill it rests on. The waterfall isn't as shocking as the temple like structure it spouts out of, that's been built into the hill. I move through the grass towards it to get closer.

I emerge from the taller grass, to find grass that's only a few inches high. It's as if someone's been keeping it cut. I go over to the waterfall, watching it's steady flow with amazement. I scan the surrounding area, and freeze when I see something unusual. There's a door, hidden in the overgrown vines of the hillside. I cautiously approach, examining it. It's a thick, old wooden door, that doesn't look like it's been opened in years.

"What the hell..." I say quietly.

I see writing above it, and reach up to clear dirt away from the inscription. It's worlds are in some sort of... Old language. I can't read it. I look at the door uncertainly. What if this could be a shelter for us? I have to investigate all this. It's just so... Ominous, finding this here. I grab the knob and turn it. I have to yank hard, the vines over it are an thick from years of growth.

I wince when it opens. Here goes nothing... I step inside, and see a partially lit room. High above, there's slates in the top of the room, making me believe it's not a hill at all. It's a cavernous room, with a fire pit ten paces ahead. I hear water flowing, echoing around me. Despite my better judgement, I move forward.

I walk down the dimly lit hallway the room turns in to, and slice spiderwebs out of the way with my machete. There's an enormous amount of light at the end of the hallway. When I step out, I see something beautiful. Up above, windows have been placed in the side of the hill, allowing light to fill the room.

There's a small man made waterfall that spills into the room, through an opening ten feet above on the back wall. The water fall flows down, and fills a Crystal clear stone pit, about fifteen feet long, and four or so feet wide. The water looks so clean, and it's so Blue. I crouch by the four foot deep pool to peer into it. This whole room is insanely beautiful. It's also man made. The water doesn't spill over, and has a slow draining system in the bottom. Someone built this here, but why? When?

The overgrowth blocking the door tells me no one's been here for many years. I see torches on the walls that could be lit during the evening hours. This place used to be inhabited. Who would live so off grid though? It's not much, but for someone who sleeps in dirt, it feels like I've found a fortress.

I make a decision, I'll stay here tonight. If it goes well, I'll bring the group back here tomorrow. I lean over the water, and scoop up a few handfuls. It tastes great.

I go back outside, looking around. It'd been surprisingly cool inside the temple like structure. I examine the door, looking up at it. It looks absolutely ancient. My eyes find the inscription, and I step back in surprise. It... Changed ... It now reads in plain English:

"Those who tread upon the well, were chosen, and shall be granted every necessity."

I look around, feeling my stomach flutter. Did that really just happen? I shake my head, walking up the side of the hill. When I get to the top, I look out over the small valley. It's a stunning view. The structure provides shelter from the sun, that's too good to pass up. I set up camp inside, and lay down for the night.

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