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Tony woke up with a spliting pain in his head. He slowly sat up to look into the familiar room. He blinked several times, willing his eyes to focus. He looked around the room not recgonizing it as his own, or Rhodey's, or Bruce's --plus Bruce was out of town so why the hell would Tony be there--, or Natasha's. Tony slowly ran his fingers through his hair seeing his boxers thrown on a recliner not far from the bed. He climbed out of the bed, grunting as he stood, and the sheets slipped off his body. Tony yawned, his head hurting more as he opened his mouth, and he fumbled to pull the underwear over his butt. He walked out of the expensivly furnished room and followed the smell of coffee into a kitchen.

"Morning." Said Stephen Strange, and Tony opened his eyes to look at the other brunett.

"Hey." Tony muttered as Stephen handed him a mug of hot coffee.

Tony gratefully took it, swallowing the hot, bitter liquid.

Stephen Strange was Tony's latest fuck buddy. Tony found himself going to Strange's home often to have a little fun. The reports hadn't caught wind of their little hookups quiet yet which was good because the reporters seemed to always be up Tony's ass. It was always something new like Tony Stark Seen Leaving At Local New York Night Club With Two Men; Tony Stark Caught With Heroine Outside The Chinese Theater; Tony Stark Seen Leaving This Rich Person's House! Can You Guess Who? Nothing about how Tony had a fund supporting Military vetrens with PTSD and Anxiety. Nothing about how Tony helped kids stuck in the hospital go have a day of fun. The vultures only wanted the "good stuff".

"Are you doing to the fire marshel event tonight?" Stephen asked as he cooked two eggs, his back to Tony.

"I kinda have to. It's my event." Tony murmered, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Should I come? It might make it more interesting." Stephen purred handing Tony a plate of bacon, eggs, and hash browns.

"No." Tony stated flatly, and Stephen rolled his eyes.

"When am I ever going to be more than your little toy?" Stephen spat, and Tony shrugged.

"When I feel like I need something more." Tony said, and Stephen sighed.

"Fine." He muttered, and Tony looked around the large kitchen.

"Can I borrow a suit of yours?" Tony wondered. "For work." He added.

"Will you be tall enough?" Stephen deadpanned, and Tony flicked his eyes over to the doctor.

"Will you be tall enough." Tony mocked in a high pitched voice. "You bet your ass I'll be tall enough." Tony spat, and he stomped off to Stephen's room.

Tony pulled out a dark, gray suit and put a white, button-up shirt underneath. He then tied one of Strange's black ties --how generic-- around his neck. He walked back out to the kitchen finishing off his coffee before patting Stephen on the back.

"See you later, Dr.Strange." Tony said, and Stephen gasped looking at Tony's plate of cold food.

"I made you breakfast." He pointed out.

"And when do I ever eat?" Tony called as he walked out of the penthouse.

Tony strolled over to his red 14 Tesla Roadster. He climbed into the first seat, and the car turned on once he clapped his hands together.

"Come alive JARVIS." Tony commanded pulling out of his parking space.

"Hello, sir. How was the night with Dr.Strange?" JARIVS asked polietly.

"Same as always." Tony said putting on his blinker and turning into the turning lane.

"What messages do I have? Read them off." Tony ordered his AI.

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