Chapter 8

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2 days had passed since the conversation that Rocma and (Y/N) had. As usual, she started making her way towards the 'Orca Danger Zone' to spend time with Idate. at her feet made small footprints in the snow, she couldn't help but feel guilty. When she and Rocma made the plan earlier, she didn't care in the slightest, but now that she saw Idate as a friend and possible love interest, she started to feel bad for playing with his feelings.

"It's too late to turn back" She whispered to herself she made her way towards the snowy Shores. When she got there, she sat on the edge having her feet dangle in the water. Quietly, the Narwhal waited there for any sign of him. Playing with her hair, she twirled it around her fingers she started walking late into the sky. Suddenly, someone from underwater tubs her leg. with a small Yelp, the Narwhal was dragged underwater without a second to react or defend herself. Once her body was underwater, She kicked her legs around hoping to attack her attacker.

"Haha, you should see the look on your face! It was absolutely priceless!"

Once she heard the familiar voice of the killer whale, (y/n) stopped her struggling and open her eyes to be met face-to-face with Idate. Her surprised facial expression ran away from her face and was replaced with a work of displacement. Still smirking, Idate looked over at the smaller narwhal and chuckled, "Come on, it was funny, wasn't it?" With a displeased look on her face, she turned away and muttered, "Of course it wasn't, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"It was totally funny, you're just being a hardass!"

"No wasn't!"

"Yes too!"






" Fantastic, I'm glad we're on the same page"

After realizing what just happened, She used her left hand just slap him in the shoulder as a punishment for tricking her into saying 'yes' Still chuckling to himself, Idate seems to find her actions very amusing. "Okay. Okay, I guess I'm somewhat sorry for pulling you into the water" He apologized, but his actions told a different story. Realizing that that would be the best apology that she would ever get out of him, (Y/N) accepted it without batting an eye.

"So why did you decide to drag me to the water today on this fine evening?" She questioned with sarcasm heavily implied. Placing his hand over her shoulder, Idate leaned closer to her and smirked, "We always spend time in the same location, I thought it would be more interesting if we had a change of scenery." Looking at him with a confused look, she Remarked in a dry voice, "Are you sure that's the only reason?" Pulling the Narwhal closer to him, Idate smile stretched across his face wider as he looked her dead in the eyes and giggled, "Nothing gets past you doesn't it? We're here because I also wanted to get some privacy."

Quietly, the Narwhal looks at his as questions ran through her mind like an Olympic runner. Why does he want to have alone time with her, what was he planning, was he finally showing his true colors and trying to kill (Y/N). Quickly, the young narwhal was pulled out of her thoughts when his hand slithered around her waist and tugged her closer. Slightly panicked, she tried to push herself off of him, but it was clearly obvious that he had more physical strength then she did. Looking down at her with a huge smile, Idate purred, "What's the matter (Y/N)? Was it your plan to try to seduce me from the very beginning?"

With her eyes widening and her entire body shaking, (Y/N) was unable to process the words that exited his mouth. It took her a few minutes to realize what he said. "You knew the plan from the very beginning?" The Narwhal said in a shaking voice as she continued to struggle in his tight grip. Instead of responding in words, he made a humming noise with his mouth signaling that his answer to the question was 'yes' Quickly, she lifted her leg up and kicks him right between the legs, causing him to loosen his grip of it just enough for her to getaway. Trying her best to mask her fear, (Y/N) looked back at the Orca and with as much courage as she could, she asked, "Now that you know what the plan was, where are you going to do to me? Are you going to torture me, or are you going to try to kill me?"

Idate didn't respond at all, he just looked at her with a mad smile on his face that could rival the Cheshire Cat. Without a single word, he started approaching her like a predator approaching their prey. His eyes followed her every move, watching her carefully to make sure that there was no escape for her.

Without warning, Idate lunged his entire body forward with his hands in front of him ready to attack. Quickly, narwhal dodges to the attack by moving to the right, but she wasn't quick enough. Crimson blood flows out of the deep wounds that was on her shoulder, it started to stink badly due to the fact that the saltwater was entering the cut. If she wanted to have a chance of survival, she had to get out of the water and back onto the snow.

As fast as she could, she swam towards the shore trying her best to make it out of the water. Following hot behind her tail, Idate was chasing after her, he was almost close enough to the point where he could grab her leg. Reaching his hand forward, he latched onto (Y/N) ankle and pulled her back. Refusing to give him the win, the Narwhal pulled her leg forward and then pushed it down with all her strength, kicking him in the nose. Once he was stunned, she hopped out of the water and started making a run back to the small town.

While she was doing that, Idate wiped away the blood that was dripping from his nose and got out of the water. Looking down at the ground, he noticed the path of blood and smiled to himself. "Hahaha, Alrighty (Y/N)" he laughed as a dark aura surrounded him, "I'll play your games, after all, who doesn't like a good game of cat-and-mouse?" 

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