Chapter 2

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(Third person)

"So... do we have any ideas or plans to get rid of this orca?" (Y/N) Questioned as she stared at Rocma who was sitting across the table from narwhal. Shaking her head in a defeated manner, Rocma commented, "I have tried almost everything to make that stupid orca go away but, No matter how hard I try, he keeps coming back like a pesky vermin...!" Sitting there quietly, the Narwhals started thinking about plans and methods to get rid of the Orca but, none of them are really good.

(Y/N)'s thinking time was interrupted when Rocma nterrupted the Silence by asking, "Do you have any plans in mine?" Looking up at the polar bear with her (e/c) eyes, the narwhal nodded her head and said, "I have a very vague idea but, I need to know the personality of the Orca before it could be an official plan." Nodding her head in agreement, Rocma Replied, "That makes sense...But, wouldn't it be easier if I were to tell you what he acts like!"

"It would be easier but, I would rather meet with him in person so I could have my own interpretation of him. the only problem is, I need to meet him in a way where doesn't seem suspicious." She replied as you stared back at the polar bear. A couple of seconds went by with complete silence; both of the girls wondering and thinking about ideas and ways to get rid of the Orca. Interrupting the silence again, Rocma said, "I know how you can introduce yourself in a non suspicious manner." Tilting her head, (Y/N) question, "What's your idea?"

Standing up from her seat, Rocma Explain, " We could say that you're a new resident in town and you don't know much about the location. So while pretending to be clueless, you can Waltz into the Orca danger zone where you'll meet him. when he finds you or when you find him, he'll think that you're a new Resident so he'll probably go up to you and introduce himself and act like the major dick that he is!"

Getting out of her chair, the Narwhal walked over to the her childhood friend and said, " That absolutely made no sense but, I think I understand what you mean!" The two of them continue discussing about their plan and when they were finished. (N/Y) Went back to the room that she was staying in and prepared to meet the grizzly and dangerous orca, idate.  

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