My Sweet Prince

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I decided to go see what Ville was up to because I didn't want to keep bothering my father as he wasn't in the greatest of moods now. Once I found HIM's bus I knocked and Mige answered.
"Hey kiddo!"
"Hey Mige!"
"What's up?" He replied as he stepped aside to let me in.
"Nothing much. Where's your cult leader?"
"He'll be back in a bit... he went to go get some drinks really quick"
"Oh okay... what about you? How've you been?"
"I've been good actually. I'm getting married soon.." he said blushing and smiling
"Really? That's so great! Congrats to you and Mariah" I replied as I gave him a big hug
"Of course"
"Speaking of relationships... are you seeing anyone?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows
"Well, I just met-"
"Brian Molko.... she just met Brian Molko and now she's not going to pay any attention to me. How sad is that Mige?" Ville said fake crying and laughing while barging in.
"Hey stinker" I said as I got up to hug him
"Hey cute stuff" he said returning the hug
"Mige I'm gonna steal her from you so we can have some... girl talk" he continued beginning to laugh
"Alright, we'll talk later Ash"
"Okay" I said with a smile
Ville walked me to the back room and I sat down on his bed.
"Okay so what happened with Molko? Hmm?? Oh also I just saw your dad and he didn't look the happiest.. has that something to do with that situation?"
"Oh course it does. But anyway, so this morning I walked into Brian... literally, and we got to chatting. And he was so sweet! When we were talking he noticed he dropped my coffee when we walked into each other so he invited me to breakfast after his soundcheck"
"Did you guys go?"
"Yeah, but of course not without an awkward conversation with dad"
"Well, if there's anything I know about your dad it's that he doesn't want you to leave him"
"What do you mean?"
"Well you're his little girl... I remember him saying once to me that he didn't want you to grow up and leave him, and that he wished he would be the only guy that you'd needed to be in your life, but he knows it's not going to happen"
"I wouldn't do that to him. He's the only family I have besides my grandparents, but we don't see them too often anyway"
"Yeah I know. So tell me, why doesn't he like Brian?"
"I guess cause he reminds him of himself in a way?"
"Is it the rockstar thing?"
"Yeah pretty much"
"Oh yeah he's mentioned that too"
"You and my dad are a lot closer than I remember you two being"
"Yeah... me too now that I think about it. Well, to be fair he only talks to me about you"
"Oh well that makes sense then"
"So, maybe you should go talk to your dad. Reassure him"
"Yeah. I know. Thanks Ville. You're always there for a talk when needed"
"Right back at you kid. Oh, and when you see Molko give him a big smooch from me. Haha"

I walked off HIM's bus laughing and walked over to my dads. When I walked inside dad was sitting on the couch watching cartoons.
"Hey dad"
"Hey sweetheart"
"Can we talk?"
He turned off the TV and sat looking straight at me.
"About what?"
I gave him a look signaling he knew about what, or rather who.
"What about him?"
"Can you please just give him a chance?"
"Will it make you happy? And will you stop asking me about him?"
He sighed and started, "Okay look, you're 19 already. You can do whatever it is that you want because you're an adult, but if he hurts you even in the slightest way whether it be physically or emotionally... I will hurt him even worse. Got it?"
"I mean I don't think it'll happen, but yeah I got it. Thanks dad" I smiled and ran off to find Brian.

I found him sitting on a curb by his bus smoking a cigarette with a drink in hand.
"Hey Brian!"
"Hey babe, what's up" he said getting up and putting his drink down to give me a hug
"Babe? That's new hah"
"Yeah, I mean if you don't like it I won't call you that..."
"No it's fine, I don't mind"
"Perfect then" he said as he snaked his arm back around my waist.
"Sit with me?"
"So why'd you come over here all jolly"
"Because I got my dad to give you a chance"
His smile grew a thousands times bigger "Wait really? He's not gonna hurt me when I see him right?"
"No he's not going to hurt you" I said laughing hysterically.
"That makes me so happy" he said staring into my eyes
"Me too"
"Hey, you should come help me pick out my outfit for tonight"
"Right now?"
"Okay let's go"
He stood up at led to his bus and then to the back room and stopped me in front of his closet. I began searching through his clothes and found a black shirt with the words "imessiah" written across the chest and some black jeans.
"Wear this"
Since he was performing soon he started to change, and I turned around awkwardly.
"You act like you've never seen a man naked before" he stated laughing.
I didn't reply, being embarrassed by the fact that I in fact hadn't.
When he was done he walked up and hugged me from behind.
"You haven't... have you?" He asked quietly.
"No" I replied awkwardly
"Hey, it's really not a big deal if you're yknow..."
"A virgin?"
"Yeah exactly"
"I'm sorry it's just.. I've had guys not want to date me because of that, so I was worried that..."
"I'd leave?"
"Uh no.. haha.. everybody eventually has their first time. There's no rushing it, so don't worry. When the time comes you'll know and you'll be ready. Come on" he said as he walked in front of me grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front of the bus to leave when he suddenly stopped and turned to face me.
He stared directly into my eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, feeling our lips touch was magical and I had dreamt of this day since I first saw his picture on TV. He smiled as he pulled away.
"Sorry, I've just been thinking about it since we bumped into each other"
I kissed him again and pulled away.
"Me too" I said as I dragged him out of the bus.
We headed backstage where Stef, Steve, my dad, and Jeordie were.
"Hey pumpkin" my dad greeted me
"Hey dad" I said giving him a hug
"Hey Twiggs" I said smiling and waiving at him.
"Hey Lil" Jeordie's the only person who uses my middle name.

One of the staff ran out and yelled "Placebo you're on in 1 minute!"
Brian grabbed my by my waist and said "wish me luck"
I leaned in and kissed his cheek "good luck... you'll do great"
The staff guy came back and yelled "You guys are on!"
As Stef and Steve began to walk out Brian quickly said "That won't do!" And kissed me on my lips and then ran out onto the stage. I just smiled and chuckled. When I looked at my dad he kind of had this look on his face and said "Really? Do you have to do that shit in front of me?"
"It was him!" I replied in defense.
He just pouted and said, "Whatever".
After Placebo was done with their set my dad went on to play his and during that time I found out that Placebo was staying at the same hotel as us. Once the band was finished performing we headed back to our hotel separately, but arrived at the same time. Brian was waiting for me at the entrance.
"Hey, so the pool here is open all night... me and the boys were gonna go for a swim. You can join if you want..."
"I'd love to" I said excitedly
Cool well let's head up to our rooms and change I'll go get you when I'm done okay?"
He walked off to go get changed with the rest of his band and I waited for my dad. When he got all his luggage we went up to the room and I began searching for my swimsuit.
"What are you looking for?"
"My swimsuit"
"You're gonna go swimming now?"
"Yeah, with the Placebo boys"
"Oh okay... be careful" he said yawning
"I will be"
While I was in the bathroom changing I heard Brian get to the room and my dad let him in. When I walked out Brian was sitting on my bed awkwardly while my dad was staring at him. Once he noticed me exit the bathroom he stood up.
And with that we walked down stairs to the pool where the other boys were already in. Brian and I got in the pool and started swimming around and messing with the boys until we decided to go sit on the steps of the pool. Brian looked at me and spoke quietly, "You're so pretty"
"Yeah? You're not bad yourself" I replied, to which he chuckled at.
He leaned in to kiss me. As I returned the kiss he began to gently caress the skin of my legs under the water when we heard the boys yell simultaneously "Go fuck already!". We just looked up at them and started laughing. Then we heard my dad yell from the balcony above us "Brian, if you do anything worse than that in front of me, I'll rip your vocal chords out!", and then Jeordie's obnoxious laugh after that. Brian just replied with a "Note taken!".

When we were done Brian walked me back up to my room and asked me to stay with him for the night, so I agreed. I opened the door to get some clothes.
"Hey dad I'm gonna go stay with Brian tonight"
"In his room?"
He glared at Brian who was quick to defend himself "I'm not planning on doing anything! Don't worry!"
"You better not be"
I went to tell my dad goodnight and gave him a kiss on the cheek
"I'll see you two tomorrow"
Both Jeordie and my dad replied with a "Bye" and "Goodnight!" My dad adding an extra "be safe" to his.

When we got back to the room Brian let me shower first and then went in after I was done. I laid under the covers as I waited for him and when he was finally done he came to lay beside me turning off all the lights.
"Goodnight princess" he said giving me a soft yet tender kiss on the lips.
"Goodnight my sweet prince"
I drifted off to sleep as he kissed the nape of my neck for the last time that night.

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