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There was no such thing as a 'Happily Ever After' in the Isle of the Lost.

There were no fairytale love stories and there were no dreams, only shattered ones smeared with darkness, bitter revenge and hatred filled with agonizing pain.

And the thing with the Isle was no parent ever had to feel pain, it was always the generation after them. It was them who hid the pain, who locked their own dreams away to make space for the revenge of their parents.

Their love turned to hatred, light turned to darkness. Chaos ensued their minds and turned their hearts to stone.

And it hurts, you know? It hurts how hard they tried to hide it with every moment passing when they knew they can do better.

Uma was hurt that she'd wanted to seek revenge against Mal and claim her turf when her dreams were only to free their generation out of their parents' grasp.

It mortifies Gil that he had to endure every passing minute of his father nelecting him for not being good enough for his family.

The situation pains Harry so much because it was him who has to look after his two sisters while their pathetic excuse of a father swigs another bottle of rum and whiskey.

Carlos grew up so upset that it was him who acted like his mother's slave, that he was treated more of a creature rather than her son.

Jay grew up to be distressed as his father spat at him and told him all the things he had regret doing, and it hurts because it included him but never the shit he had done to Jasmine and Aladdin.

Evie was horrified of her mother, the moments she could only remember growing up was whenever she tried to please the living fuck of her mother when she was so much more.

Mal hated it. She couldn't bear another damned second inside that wretched island. She had to witness every little thing her mother had done just to keep her status up and running.

It hurts Mal so much that she wishes she never told her mother that she wasn't invited to Evie's sixth birthday. That she wished she hadn't pointed at her and let all the fucking jealousy consume her.

"So, are you finally going to ask her today?" Jay asked as he sat down with Mal and Carlos, the fairy shook her head, "I don't know."

Carlos furrowed his eyebrows, his gaze shifting from the thief and their leader, "Who are we talking about here?" It was a simple question, Jay chuckled, "You know, the girl Mal likes."

Mal scoffed, shoving Jay towards the worn out couch as she rolled her eyes, "Apparently, I don't have a fucking clue to who this girl is." The freckled boy replied, Mal stares at her, incredulously.

"Really, Carlos? You know, it's her." Mal answered, her voice light and melodic, as if she was daydreaming, Carlos bunched his eyebrows together, "You have to be a little more specific, Mal."

And then the recording cuts off. Mal stood inside Jay and Carlos' dorm room, her eyes glowing a little green as she watches the news report. Headline was; MAL, IN LOVE?

"This is bullshit." Were the first words that left her mouth as she read it, Carlos felt uneasy. "How the fuck can anyone record this?" She asked, eyes trained on Carlos the whole time, "I don't know, Mal! Maybe we were bugged back there."

"We weren't. I'd know if we were, Jay." Carlos huffed, his eyes never leaving the television screen. "Look, make sure none of this goes out between the three of us right now. Let the others know this on their own." 

The two nodded before taking their backpacks, escaping Mal's wrath.

The fairy walked alone, her hands secured inside her pockets when she heard them. The hoarde of paparazzi wanting to get her view on the leak. She huffed, not wanting to deal with them right now.

The last two times she dealt with them was months ago, back when her and Ben had just broken their engagement off. Speculations of cheating, illnesses and her going back evil were the like. Truth was, they fell out of love. No, they weren't in love. Far from it.

The other reason was when she came out as bisexual to the public. Everyone in her friend group was dragged into that mess that they had to file a restraining order against them.

They harassed them day and night to the point where she never left her room and despite all the risk, it was Evie who took care of her.


Her princess, Evie.

She huffs, stopping and facing the reporters with their cameras flashing as they shoved each other just to get near the fairy. Mal flinched, getting hit in the process by a branch which was behind her.

"I'm answering one question and I'm going!" She announces, the reporters growing weary of who gets to ask the question everyone who knew wanted to ask. Eventually, one of the younger ones, stepped forward, presented his microphone and stood proudly.

"With the leaked recordings from last night, would there be an answer to who your mystery girl is? Is it someone we know?" He asked, eyeing Mal like a predator, wanting for her to break. She didn't.

"Curfew, gotta go!" Were the last thing she said before running off and jumping on the fence.

"Where the hell is Mal? I thought she was with the two of you?" Evie asked as Jay and Carlos scratched their necks, "She stayed back a little longer. Don't worry, she's on her way." Carlos answered, his voice nearly a squeak with him under Evie's glare.

"Hey, guys?" Gil called out, eyes glued to the screen of his phone, "What's this?" He asked, and just when Evie was about to peek, a mop of purple had already tackled her to the ground. "Paparazzi! Go, go go!"

No questions were asked.

They followed Mal and no one knew what storm they're about to go through. They all followed as Mal held Evie's hand.

She smiled. While Happily Ever Afters and Fairytales don't happen in the Isle, it sure does in Auradon.

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