New Home (edited)

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   It was a long time till morning approached, but, when it did, the sun illuminated the whole room. Kaya opened her eyes to the white ceiling and sat up.

"How are you feeling, dear?" Kaya whipped around to find the old lady by her bedside.

"Who are you?" she asked timidly.

"Don't worry, dear. My name is Recovery Girl. I helped you last night." Kaya bowed her head,

"Thank you for taking care of me. I'm grateful."

"I can't take all the credit. Aizawa and All Might are the ones that brought you in. You aren't in very good shape though. Why haven't you been eating?" There was a silence that filled the room.

"I've been living on the streets for years now. It's not easy to get food when you can't afford it."

"Well, hopefully in the future that will change. You must be the girl that has been recruited to attend UA next year. That makes you special."

"Maybe, but I'm not any more special than anybody else with a quirk. I don't need the spotlight," Kaya said with a smirk. Aizawa was listening from his chair and was surprised by how different this girl was from her file. He couldn't help but feel somewhat proud that she shared his views of the spotlight but knew it would be hard for her if she went on to be a hero. Recovery Girl was changing Kaya's IV when he opened his eyes. He stretched and groaned as he pretended to wake up further.

"Good morning, Aizawa. I hope you slept well in that chair." He looked up at the two and saw that Kaya did look better. She didn't meet his eyes though and even had her bangs cover her eyes.

"Can I speak to you outside?" Recovery Girl asked. She opened the door and led Aizawa into the hallway.

"How much longer until she is able to leave?" he asked.

"That IV will last four hours and she can go after that. She also needs to eat every three hours, but it has to be small meals." He nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I'll call Hawks then and fill him in. He'll be able to come in a few hours," he said.

"Shouta," Recovery Girl said with a stern look, "Nezu wanted me to tell you there's been a change of plans." Aizawa's eyes widened a little, interested in why they changed so quickly.

"Nezu wants you to take her under your wing. With her condition she needs someone she can depend on and trust. She is still wary of others, but she seems to trust you," she said.

"Hawks would be able to teach her better how to control her quirk. She'll warm up to him in time," he assured.

"Shouta, you have seen many different quirks and capabilities come through your classroom. You are more than qualified to handle this. Nezu believes that this is what is best for her, and I agree. It might be good for you too." Recovery Girl walked past him and left him alone. He may have been able to gain her trust, but it seems he still has a long way to go. Nezu wanted him to become her mentor from the start, he was sure of it, which was why he sent him, but he only had a couple of months to get her in shape before school started. At least she wouldn't have to go through the practical or recommendation exams. He sighed and went back into the room. Kaya was looking out the window and didn't turn when he closed the door. He leaned against the wall to wait in silence.

The four hours were up, and Recovery Girl gave her the okay to leave. Kaya followed Aizawa out into the hallway but didn't say anything. She walked behind him through the school thinking about all that had happened. She stopped short of the front steps, and Aizawa turned around.

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