Chapter 3

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" You can stay here."

Those words came out of both Daniel and Becca at the same time. They both felt pity yet they also felt an inner flame within them ignite because they felt like the must help her, they felt a connection with her. 

" Why?" 

" because it is the right thing to do." 

The answer alone did not seem right, yet there was a much more deeper meaning behind it. 

Jenna got up and thanked for the meal as she made her way back to the room where she had woke up from.She was upset. Would she become a charity case ? Perhaps this family will become wealthy with her story.

" Jenna ?" 

She turned around to see Jake, although he is a child, he is not so little, he was at the age of 13. 

" are you okay ?" he asked. 

" No." 

She was honest and clear, she was not fine. Although she enjoyed every little aspect of the warmth surrounding her within the small apartment upstairs of the donut shop in the cold November town, she missed the freedom and the greenery of the woods, the fresh air that would hit her pale skin when she would run away, the way her breathe would escape her lungs as she picked her pace up. The way she would wake up and see the sun piercing through the leaves, reflecting both the green and the yellow casting a golden light onto her pale skin that seemed to be the only sight of warmth.

" Please do not be angry with them." 

" I am thankful, yet... I am not charity work." 

Jake's face softened as he hugged her," breathe in and out." 

She looked at him bewildered and did so. 


" You know, I had an older sister, she looked just like me." 

" what happened to her?" Jenna had grown curious. 

" She died." 

"I-Im sorry."

" Its fine. You somehow remind me of her, although I have not gotten to know you well enough, yet your bright blonde hair, she had that color too, she was also strong and independent." 

" Can I ask, What happened to her?" 

"We lost her in the woods when we were both 7 years old, a few days later they found her, she floating in the river." 

Jenna was shocked, she remembered something, she did once see a man within the woods by the river, but then she brushed past that thought because she believed maybe she was over analyzing and overthinking the situation. She smiled at Jack and grabbed his hand,

" She must be proud of how much you've grown." 

He laughed and nodded. 

There was a knock at the door, Becca came in, " Jenna.. We are both sorry if something offended you, it is just, seeing a child out in the open, especially in this horrible weather, it is heart wrenching."

" it is fine Mrs. Becca, I overreacted, I just felt like I was another charity case." 

Becca shook her head," You are not." Then she rubbed Jenna's back and ruffled her hair. 

" Get some more sleep, you must still be tired. " 

Jenna smiled and laid in the bed, letting the warm fuzzy sheets touch her skin, she felt as if she was laying on the cloud, the sweet scent of Lavender from the sheets and coffee from the kitchen filled her nose and made it feel cozy. She closed her eyes and let the darkness consumer her.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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