My life story part 3

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I know cute isn't she anyway but after I was better and I was better to the point where I can go home and we went and got her. I was fine after that I had my doctors appointments but after the surgery I had no problems after that but we had to move because my dad said of the family kick us out of the farm house we where living in and also my grandma was getting old and my family wanted to there to take care of her. So we move to Ohio but we had to get rid off one my dogs and my bunnies but we keep the new puppy. My family move into a trailer down the Street from my grandmas home. So I went a school for a awhile but my mom didn't think they were doing a good job teaching me because I had this learning disability so my mom put me in home school through 1-2 grade. I got a new doctors so this doctor did my third brain surgery and that was the last brain surgery that I had so it was great everything was fine. Mom and dad put in a school that was right for me and it was a good school I love it there. A few months go by my mom and dad found a house that was right next to a park so my mom and dad got it and we moved in and everything was going great. In till the day before new year my dad was complaining about chest pain and my mom ask him to go to the hospital? But being hard headed as he was he said no and said that It might be because of his meds and he didn't take them the next day. The next night was New Year's Eve my dad had to work so did my mom but she got off way before he did and came home with pizza because we were having a little New Year's Eve party. And after the ball my mom got a text from him that he love both of us and that was the last time that we had talk to him alive. The next morning my mom woke up and my dad was not there and she called him and called and everyone asked if they knew were he was but everyone they didn't know but one of my uncles went to we're he was working and found his car and then my mom call his and asked the guy if can check his office the guy said that should have clock out by now but he said yes that he go and call her back he didn't call her back but after that mom hared emergency vehicle and that's when my mom knew something was wrong. Cops came to are front door and they said that your husband was dead my mom broke down and that's when she told all of us and the whole family and friends they all came over to are house. And that's is when we all knew that this was the worst day of are life and that's when I as 10 years old and at that time I did not know what death was all I knew was that your dad wasn't going to come home. The few days later we had his funeral and there were more people then I was expected that shows you the type of my dad was I don't know anyone that hate him anyways mouths goes by and mom had gone through a little of a depression afterwards and what I mean she stopped eating we basic had to force her to eat. After all of that my mom put some money into the upstairs bathroom and the kitchen after my dad died. A couple days after that she meet up with one of her old friends and they began talking and then she introducing us to him and they started to get together at first my siblings was so scary of being friends because of what happened to are dad but we then became friends with him and he was kind of like a father figure and after a while my mom and him were in and out of a
Relationship because sometimes he can be controlling and he was a mean sometimes but she would always goes back to him. After his birthday he went to the hospital and told them that his arm was going Nam and they said it was because his sugar was high they just sent him home and days go by it got worse. My mom brought him to the hospital and they sent him to Toledo And they said he had a stroke and they kept him there. A few days later he dead two years after my dad. We did not go to the funeral this time. After that I promise myself I would never get close to anyone. After that we went to the Tennessee with my cousins and two of my sisters it was fun and actually after my dad died we went to West Virginia for a memorial with two of my cousins and my uncle and my aunt and my siblings and there girlfriend and boyfriend. And we went the Toledo zoo and I had a what's called a grandma seizure and went to the hospital. When I was 13 I went to the hospital over my mechanical problems and there they accuse my mom of giving medical which she didn't even the hospital gave me so I was put into a foster home at the first home I was treated like I was her slave and I was not physically abused but Verbally abused one time she told me that my mom wanted to kill me I cry for there weeks I call a bitch a hole once and I only got out that house because one of her adopted kids said her grandson of did something to her that I'm not going to repeat and then then the second home was worst they were just verbally abuse and the kids there were awful I was Forested to do something I would never it on my own again not going to repeat but the drop the case because the hospital did not show to the court.
So they dropped the Chargers and I go to go home. After that everything went back to normal we move into a different house and after that my mom work as hard as she can to provide for us. Feel mouth after that my mom meet a new guy and we at first we didn't want anything to do with him. After that we moved in with my grandmas house and started at a new school and both my sisters moved out and my mom and me move in with my moms boyfriend and that's when it started to really not like him because he keeps trying to Parent me and my siblings and my mom had to hid the fact that she gave me back my phone I mean your the mom not him and then she started getting mad at me for know reason and he does to I just wish that that he would leave and never come back. But now I'm here I'm fine now they still want me to stay with them when I 18 but I don't think I could do that we don't get along anymore so I don't know what to do. But I'll be fine.

So that's my life story hope you like it I love you guys thanks for reading ❤️

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