She nodded. "Thank you," she said walking in.

"Reservations for Potter," I said to the man at the front.

"Right this way," he said, leading us to a table for two. Cho and I made small talk all througout dinner, but when I went to pay the check, I saw a pair of brown eyes glaring at us, and I dropped my glass of wine. "Shit."


I threw the quaffle past Astoria one last time before Gwenog called us down. She told us the plans for the night and then started putting the equipment. We were going to a fancy restaurant, and then to some Wizarding club that made you tell them your relationship status. I hurried to the locker room and changed from my gear into a fancy dress. There were several whistles from my team mates.

"Damn, Ginny," Gwenog said. "Does Harry know you're going out in that?"

"No. Harry doesn't control me." She shrugged, and we Apparated away.

As we entered the dimly lit restaurant, the host sat us down at a fairly large table. I ordered a glass of wine, and played with the ring on my finger until it arrived, taking a sip of it when it did, but I spit out when I saw a familiar black haired Auror with another woman. I crushed the glass in my hand.

"Ginny, are you okay?" I heard Astoria ask, but I didn't answer her. Harry looked up to pay the check but his eyes met mine. I saw his mouth form the word 'shit.'

'Damn Right,' I thought. I stood and stormed over to them.

"Gin, listen," Harry began, but I interrputed him.

"Shut it, Potter." I walked up to Cho and punched her in the nose. "What the hell? You helped him find me, and then helped me bring him back, and this is what you do?" I punched her again, and again, and again. "I hate you."

Harry pulled me off, but I pushed him away. "Seriously Potter? After all we've been through? We finally got back together after two years, and you go and screw it up?"

"Ginny, listen to me-"

"No, you know what, Potter? Just stop. Stay away from me." I Apparated to the Burrow.

"Ginny," Mum said. "What happened?" She examined my hand.

"Nothing," I said, hurrying to my room. I quickly bandaged my hand and sat on the bed. I don't know how long I sat there, but eventually Hermione was knocking on the door.

"Ginny, let me in. Harry told us what happened. Ron's talking to him now." I waved my wand and unlocked the door. She walked in and sat beside me.

"He was out with Cho," I said.

"I know but-"

"No, Hermione. He was cheating. I'm done with him." I stood up. "After all that we've gone through to be together..."

You and I{Sequel to The Return To Hogwarts}Where stories live. Discover now