"..I only tease you if it makes you giggle."

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(this chapter is really cringy, sorry)

Pansy explained what they were doing, first Truth or Dare then spin the bottle.

"Everyone will go. Meaning if i start it would go to Hermione even if i asked Draco- got it?" she said and they all nodded in understanding. "alright! let's get this started!" she said happily and they did.

Few minutes passed through the game and Harry had witness Seamus make out with Blaise.. which wasn't too cute. There was only a few there, since it was all 8th year was, only a few. Pansy, Hermione, Ron, Dean, Seamus, Blaise, Harry, Draco, Astoria, some reason Ginny even though she's not an 8th year, and Luna Lovegood which whom must of came with Ginny.

"Harry, Truth or Dare" Hermione said, fluttering her lashes at him and he rolled his eyes, laughing "truth" he said and he noticed Pansy smirking. "have you ever given or gotten a hickey?" she asked and he nodded "obviously" he laughed and Pansy let out a ooo "who?" she said, pretending she didn't already know.

"Draco- for both" he said and Draco ran his fingers up his back and shifted the hoodie down to expose his collarbones that had deep red marks and teeth marks. "ooo let us see where" Pansy said and Harry blushed "you wouldn't want to see that" Draco patted his thigh and they laughed. Ginny, Ron and Astoria didn't though- they all had a sour look on their faces. 

"so wait- you're tell me that you've done the do?" Blaise said, censoring his own words in the most childish way ever, "no i just decided Harry's neck wasn't doing much for me and sucked the insides of his thighs- of course we have" Draco said making Harry embarrassed even more, "Draco!" Harry whined, covering his face. "when and where" "his bed, few weeks ago. Today in the shower- next question" Draco said and Harry whined again. Hugging his legs. 

"how was it" Dean chirped in and Harry whined louder, trying to get Draco to stop. "Absolutely amazing, made him-" Harry pushed him off the bean bag and sat on him "Draco! stop it!" he whined and Pansy whistled, but Harry ignored her.

Harry pouted at Draco who gripped his hips a bit. "sorry love" Draco sat up with him still in his lap and kissed his lips softly, making him smile. "please don't talk about.. it" Harry whispered almost silently but Draco heard, he nodded and kissed Harry's lips again. "back to the game!" Hermione said loudly and they got up, sitting back onto the bean bag.

"Draco, Truth or dare?" Blaise said and he hummed "Truth" he said blankly. Blaise smirked widely "Does Harry have any kinks? and what are they" he hummed and Harry whined again. "mmm biting" Draco said, not mentioning his daddy kink. "well when i bite on his collarbones" Draco said, chuckling when Harry whine and placed his head into his lap. Hiding his blush. Draco gently rubbed his hair slowly. 

Harry sat up after a few minutes and Astoria asked Ginny a question "Truth or Dare" "Dare" oh dear.. "I dare you to snog Harry" she said and Ginny giggled, getting up and going over to Harry. Harry mentally cringed when she straddled his lap and pressed her mouth to his, it wasn't pleasant at all.. he wasn't kissing back- he wasn't going to.

Ginny was getting impatient and aggressively brushed her tongue over his lips and he gasped, giving her an opportunity to shove her tongue into his mouth. She searched his mouth hungrily and Harry felt like he was going to gag. She didn't have a sweet taste like Draco.. it was so weird, he never though kissing Ginny was so revolting- i mean by how she was acting this year was very revolting but this was 100% worse.

Draco scowled at Ginny as she started rolling her hips slowly on his thighs and running her hands under his hoodie. Harry started shaking and Draco decided to end it there "ENOUGH" he snapped and she fell back, Harry brought his legs to his chest, holding his legs and shaking like an earthquake. 

"she- she- she" he couldn't figure out what he was going to say nor would it come out. "I'm ending this now. you guys are blind and fucking oblivious- Harry lets go" Draco said, standing up and grabbing Harry's shaking hand. They all watched as they left. Draco rubbing his back as they walked.

"Are you okay Harry?" Draco asked as they walked and Harry nodded, holding his stomach closely. "Harry" Draco said, stopping him and holding his hands, Harry looked up- not really wanting to but knew Draco would make him look up anyway. 

"I Love you" Draco said quietly, his voice was naturally deep but when he said things quietly it was a bit deeper and it made Harry smile. "I love you too" he with a smile over his lips, Harry stood on his toes and kissed him softly "are you-" "Yes, i'm okay Dragon" Harry finished for him and Draco smiled at him. "let's go cuddle like i said" Draco said and Harry giggled, nodding.

Draco changed into something more comfortable and laid on his bed, waiting for Harry who was in the bathroom changing his bandage. "You doing alright love?" Draco called and he got a hum in response. Harry came out in nothing but thin shorts, Draco noticed something pink above his shorts and he smirked. 

"what's this" Draco hummed, poking his hip where the pink was showing and Harry blushed, pulling his shorts up more and laying next to him. "Something secret" he giggled, letting Draco slid his arm around him and put his head onto Draco's chest. 

"mmm tease" Draco chuckled and Harry giggled again, kissing his pale chest softly. "you'll tease me if i showed you so" Harry muttered softly and Draco rubbed just below his spine. "i could never tease you about something- i only tease you if it makes you giggle" Draco hummed and Harry blushed, hiding his face a bit. 

"it's panties" he muttered quietly and Draco let out a little groan fall down his throat "Princess- you're something else" Draco moan/groaned quietly, sliding his hand down the back of his shorts, making him squeak and giggle quietly. "you said cuddles" Harry whined and Draco nodded, sliding his hand up his back- listening to him giggle. 

Draco moved Harry so he was laying on him and held him close, kissing his neck slowly and softly. Harry kept his nose in the crook of his neck, smiling against his skin. 

They fell asleep a few minutes later, Draco still holding Harry close.

Pansy pushed open the door a hour later into the night to check on them and smiled at the two cuddled together, she sighed and left.

"they're out cold" Pansy said going to the small group in the common room, it contained of Hermione, a huffy Ron, Blaise, and Ginny. "Draco got a bit heated- do we ask him about it tomorrow?" Hermione asked and Pansy shrugged, sitting next to Blaise.

 "Lets make a deal.. no more asking the two about their person relationship.. clearly Harry was uncomfortable when we were asking" they agreed and they went their ways to the dorms.

Blaise pushed Ron against the door once they got into their dorm room. "I'm about to strangle you" Blaise's voice deep and demanding. 

"what do you mean Zabini- elaborate" Ron snapped and Blaise tighten his grip on his shirt "you being a bitch ass to Harry. He's done nothing but help you being who the fuck you are now. I've talked to him for the first time this year and you're making his depression worse. Draco is all he has now and before you go and fuck his life up you should know how fucking broken he is" he swore. Ron drew a deep breath as he continued. 

"You would be NOTHING without Harry Fucking Potter. You Weasel, would be nothing" he repeated "you wouldn't be dating Hermione Granger nor be best friends with the best person in the world. You're so oblivious to the fact that you can't see the deep cuts on his arms or how small and skinny he's gotten. Pay attention to him Ronald fucking Weasley or you're dead. He's your only friend and you wouldn't want to lose him now." Blaise let go of his shirt and went to his bed. 

"why do you suddenly care for him now?" Ron huffed, going and sitting on his bed. "I've always cared about him, just like Draco. Mostly because Draco wouldn't get off my ass for messing with him cause he liked him" he groaned, Ron rolled his eyes and they sat in silence.

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