The Hollow Song

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All darkness echoes

In this empty tomb.

It hums the hollow song

Of impending doom.

the skeletons click and clack

while their damned spirits wail

the ghouls dance and chant

under the dark nights gale

the demonds rise up

with their trumpets and horns

blaring and raring

proud of Heavens scorn

now all Hell sings in chorus

as the earth gives way

"Lasciate ogni speranza

voi ch'entrate!"

Living with these demons

Festering in my mind

The song will always play

Booming in her shrine

But only darkness sounds

in this still, empty tomb.

It hums the hollow song

that echoes DOOM, DOOM, DOOM.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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