Chapter 9 - The secret garden

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A/N  Thanks for reading, I don't know yet how many chapters there are left to make. Maybe I can stretch it to 20 chapters. We'll see.

♡ With the teachers ♡
Snow White could sense a powerful magic coming from Rose, when she woke them up the night before. She didn't want to entertain the idea that Rapunzel was right, the great showdown were days away. She especially didn't like the idea that, fairytale lands fate was in the hand of Rose and her team. Don't get her wrong after Rose saved her and the others from the Snow queen, she had gotten better manners and Snow White liked it. She had grown so fond of her, that she even entertained the idea of her and Hawk getting together. Her thoughts were interrupted by Cinderella and Fala coming into the room. The meeting can now begin, Cinderella said. We are gathered here today because something is wrong in the fairytale land, Dr. Le frog said. Now can anyone remember anything from yesterday, before Rose came in here and woke us Cinderella asked. Nobody could. Wait I can Rapunzel said, remembering the book Astoria gave her. I got this book from the Astoria, she said she'd never seen it before. Rapunzel looked at the book an her expression changed from happy to horrified. Rapunzel what's wrong  Prof. Beauty asked leaning in over Rapunzels shoulder. She read the title, the Cinderella power legend or reality. Oh no no nonononono, Cinderella mesmerized while walking back and forth. This is not good she said. The other teachers were confused well except Rapunzel. What is bad, Coach Beast groaned having no clue at all. Cinderella started to explain, and the teachers got more and more horrified. You have to take her out of the school, Prof. Wolfram said. She has to have extra magic lessons Snow White said. While the teachers were arguing, Fala snatch the book and read the prophecy. When she was done they were still arguing, and Fala tried to gather their attention. Hey she said in a calm voice, no reaction. Hey she said in an angry voice, still no reaction. Hey she screamed, this time they responded. Fellow teachers I know this is upsetting, but taking Rose out of school won't help anyone, Fala said. She needs the support of her friends and family, instead we could all give her extra lessons. Like magic lessons, potions,charms and ofcourse defenses  lessons Fala continued. The teachers knew she was right and agreed, so they began coming up with an extra lessons schedule.

♤ With Rose ♤
All the other students came and thanked Rose for saving them, she just said your welcome. In some cases they saluted her, she was considered a savior. Rose had no idea why she just acted out of instinct. Nobody was gonna hurt her friends, and if they did they would pay dearly. On her way to her friends garden spot,she noticed some people bowed to her and saying salute to the savior. Rose was a bit freaked out and ran of. When she had ran a little she tripped and fell into some bushes. She noticed a keyhole in the ground, she wondered why it was there. Suddenly she got the brilliant idea to use a pumpkin to make a key. She closed her eyes and hoped for the best. It worked she whispered, scared that anyone could hear her. Her curiosity made her climb down the hole, she looked around in awe. She had found a beautiful quiet garden. She noticed a bench nears a lake and a tree, she walked over and sat on it. She began crying, she was alone and all her emotional walls fell. She felt something padding her on the back it calmed her down, What is wrong little one she heard a soft voice say. She turned around and saw the tree talking, normally she would be ecstatic about a talking tree. But right now she was just glad she weren't alone. Who are you she asked wiping away her tears. I am Wise the tree of wisdom it answered, why are you crying it asked. I I I'm told I'm strong, that I'm a prodigy and they set all these expectations. I just can't do it I'm so scared, what if I hurt someone I love Rose said letting yet another tear fall. Rose Cinderella listen to me Wise said. " you are stronger than you think, and more powerful than you'll ever know. I'm not gonna give you an empty promised, or say everything's gonna be fine. But I can tell you that by running away, you hurt the people who cares about you. Rose you are special, you have the purest heart of gold and determination. You will be fine as long as you trust your self and the love your friends provide, believe Rose believe in love" Wise said. Rose thought about it and it gave her hope, thanks Wise I owe you she said and hugged the tree. Is there anything I can do for you as a sign of my gratitude, Rose asked. You could keep visiting me it said, it gets a bit lonely here. Then I will visit you once a month Rose said. Goodbye Wise she said climbing back up the ways she came here. Rose looked at the time and rushed to class, she passed Vicky in the hallway. Rose caught a glimpse of a poisonous branch necklace, around Vicky's neck. I've seen that somewere before she thought, but were.

A/N I hope it's okay this chapter became a little shorter after the long chapter 8. Tanks for reading my story I really appreciate it.

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