Chapter 8 - Ballroom chaos

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A/N Thank you all for reading my story , I am on vacation so that's why i might not be able to upload,as many on some days. Back to the story

♤ With Hawk ♤

He was still smiling a huge smile days after the sleepover. Rose had kissed him on the cheek, and he had been on cloud 9 since. So he was now sure that there might be a chance she liked him, the same way that he liked her.
He was now determined to confess his feelings to her, and what better way to do it than at a ball he thought. I have to get ready to go to school. He quickly knocked on Falas door and dragged her down to the livingroom. It was unusual since Fala always were super awake in the morning. Fala are you okay he asked, she didn't say anything but instead shakes her head. I just haven't slept that much since I'm concerned about Rose. I'm not sure it was right to tell her about her true power. Fala relax she is scared yes, but who wouldn't in her situation. But she appreciate you being honest with her, she knows just like everyone else knows she can be very reckless. Thanks Hawk, you really cheered me up she said. Now let's go to school he said.

# With Vicky #

The ball is the perfect opportunity to get my shot at Hawk, and when he is unconscious. I can finally have my revenge on Miss goody goody Cinderella. Cyrus come here she yelled at her cousin.(I don't know if they are cousins but they have the same last name?) Yes Vicky?. Cyrus you have to put sleeping magic on the teachers, so my plan can work. Do it at 11:45 pm and do it right. Yes Vicky he said and sighed. Don't get him wrong he didn't wanna be a great villain like Vicky but he did wish she had a little more faith in him. He liked being her right hand, and didn't wanna let down his cousin.

《 With Astoria 》

She was roaming the library tower again, like every morning to find something to read in their lunch breaks. When she came across a book she hadn't seen before. Wierd she thought, she had read all the books except this one. Maybe it's new she thought and picked it up. Her face turned expression immediately when she read the title..

....The Cinderella power legend or reality...

This can't be good she thought. As she read the epilogue. I better show this to the teachers. Well gotta go to Beast castle, I promised Shawn that we were going together.

○ At R.A ○

Granny... Granny... Astoria yelled, Astoria dear what is wrong. It's this book she said while gasping for air. Rapunzel took the book, oh my tower thanks Astoria she said. "I need to bring this to the other teachers" . Okay granny, se you in class Astoria said and then walked away. Astoria returned to Shawn said goodbye, kissed him on the cheek and went to find her group. Shawn and Astoria had begun dating under the radar, because she knew how her grandmother would rush things. When she found the group at their usual garden spot, she greeted them. Hi guys and Rose your early again, I will now consider early as usual she said and gave her a bright smile. Everybody returned the greeting, and then they began talking about the ball tonight. I think all of us girls should get ready together Rose suggested, that a frogtastic idea Rose joy said happily. Yeah let's do it at Cinderella castle Ling Ling said, if it is okay with you ofcourse she said turning to Rose.
Pumpkin seeds ofcourse it is she said, but without the usual jumping around. Are you okay Rose they asked in concern of their friend. Yes I'm perfectly fine she said," I have just gotten extra etiquette lessons lately" you know. Okay now let's get to class Astoria said.

In class. Goodmorning students today is cancelled, you will instead help the teachers decorate for tonight Prof. Beauty said. You will be graded on how much you do, so go on to the R.A ballroom. This is going to be awesome Joy said. I can't believe we are being graded by how much we help Travis complained to Hawk. Me neither he said. When you two are finished complaining, we could use some help Astoria said sharply. They put up the banners, and used a glitter spell on it to get extra credit. Astorias idea obviously. Se you later girls Rose said, then she turned to the car and got driven home. Hawk,Travis and Shawn agreed to meet up at Beast castle to prepare themself for the ball.

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