"So you were gonna run to McDonalds without me huh?"

"No!" She choked out between laughs. "I was-"

Santana tickled her stomach now, the laughs getting harder.

"I was gonna ask you!" Brittany overpowered Santana in that moment, and completely flipped the tables on her. Now she was sitting on top of her girlfriend, smiling down at her. "I was gonna ask you once I got there."

Brittany brought her face down closer to Santana's, and placed a kiss on her plump lips. She released Santana's arms, which immediately found their way to the small of her back.

"How's your back? I saw you rubbing it earlier."

"It's fine. Coach Sue won't be mad that we missed practice today?" Santana shook her head. "The girls talked to her about what happened huh?"

"Yup. Coach Sue, she understands a lot more than most adults. She loves the team, and if one of us ever needs a break to relieve some stress that can't be let out on the field, she gives us a pass."

Brittany stood up and helped her girlfriend to her feet.

"We have to go to practice tomorrow though, we have an important game coming up."

The girls talked about playing HPA from time to time. After the loss to Konawaena, the team really wanted a comeback game to show that they weren't the same team they were last year. HPA wasn't the greatest team, they had their star players here and there but because the private school wasn't that big they didn't have a whole bunch of girls with a lot of softball talent.

So Honoka'a was about to use that to their advantage.

They wanted to make a statement.

Santana was laughing, knowing that HPA wasn't a game they needed to really practice hard for. But they practiced at 100%, and never gave anything less.

"So are we going to McDonalds or what?"

She was grabbing her keys off of the counter, waiting for Brittany to make a decision.

"Yeah, we are."

They headed out the door and climbed into Santana's truck to get dinner together.


The HPA game came out of no where and Brittany found herself on the field in Waimea, warming up. The cold air was crisp and nice.

Coach Sue called the girls over to their line up, while Santana and Rachel made their way to home plate to have the meeting with the umpire and the captains from the other team.

After everything was settled, the girls huddled up outside of the dug out for a quick pep talk

"Alright, you guys know how this game goes. This year they have a freshman that looks pretty good. Don't take them too lightly, you never know what could happen. Let's just play this game, and give it everything we got. Hits on three. 1, 2, 3."


The game started and Rachel was up to bat. The pitcher for HPA looked so nervous that it actually radiated off of her and onto the rest of their team. They looked absolutely petrified. The first pitch was thrown and it was way too high. The HPA coach was signaling the pitcher to calm down.

As always, she let the first strike go by. And with the next pitch, Rachel swung and the ball skipped past the short stop, easily placing her on first base.

Brittany stepped into the box, and tightened the grip on her bat. Coach Sue didn't give her the bunt signal, which actually surprised her.

Santana watched from the dug out as Brittany got comfortable in the batters box. The team was screaming- they hoped that with each shout of encouragement, it would boost Brittany's confidence.

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