Sansa breathed in sharply. "Are you going to tell me what I think you are?"

   "I am the last Vela, and Jon is the last Targaryen. The gods have bound us by the soul in their last effort to-"

   "You're lying." Sansa said, her hand clenched around her chair. "You can't be serious."

   "I was slightly angry when I found out, as well." Andromeda admitted. "I don't like Westerosi men. But I spent one full day with him, and I fell in love. We both fell in love."

   "I don't believe you. There's no such thing." She shook her head. "My brother falls fast, but not that fast. Jon isn't that stupid." Sansa doubted what she said. He had fallen for a wilding woman under circumstances that weren't so great for growing a love that passionate, and safe with Daenerys. Jon wasn't destined to have a good lover or a healthy love, and that's what Sansa has concluded. He was meant to be alone, just as he started.

    "What would it take for you to realize that I'm telling the truth?" Andromeda asked, her patience leaving her quickly. "I wouldn't lie about it. You can write him yourself."

"He wasn't here for long enough to fall in love. Certainly not in a day."

"It's very easy to fall in love with someone who is compatible to you in every way. We were made for each other. Every move we made led up to him traveling to my homeland." Andromeda said, leaning forward. "Please, believe me."

"So he only gave you independence because you were together for that short time?" Sansa scoffed out, and instantly the other Queen was mad.

"He gave it to my people because that is what we deserve. And nothing less do we deserve, Queen Sansa." She said, her voice hard and cool. "Not because I opened my legs to him. I never did."

"I didn't say that, Queen Andromeda."

"You implied it, Your Grace." They sat in silence for a moment, and Sansa started rocking in her chair.

"I suppose it will be even harder for him to find a wife now. You know, because he loves you, apparently." Sansa shook her head. "I knew there was a change in his writing. The fool is in love. And now he will be determined not to take a wife."

Andromeda's face fell. "They want him to take a wife?"

"Yes." Sansa said, nearly rolling her eyes. He was well past age, and being a king and being handsome made him the most desirable man to wed in Westeros. "It's only so much longer that they can hold off on him taking a wife."

"It's too late." Andromeda said, shaking her head sadly. "The two of us are already bound."

"I'm sure that the soul binding thing you're speaking of isn't a valid marriage, Your Grace." It was then that Andromeda said something that could make or break the relationship of every noblewoman in the castle.

"No, Sansa." She smiled at Sansa, at her goodsister. "The night before Jon left, we took vows."

Sansa's face dropped. "No." She put her hand to her mouth. "What have you done?"

"We married in my room, with the string of our bond. We took our vows." Sansa was shaking her head in denial, and Andromeda reached in the pocket of her dress. It was something Andromeda thought was somewhat pitiful, but always kept Jon's note with her.

"You're lying!"

"Read it, Sansa." Andromeda said gently. "Just read." Andromeda knew the note by heart now.

My Queen, it read. I will love you until my last day, and then on forever after that. There is no place in the world I would rather be than with you, and I want nothing more than to take you to Westeros for you to be My Queen there. One day, I will find a way to return to you, and I will find a way to swear my sword to you, as I have sworn my heart. I am yours and you are mine, from this day until the end of our days. Don't forget about the times we had, for we will make more. I love you, My Queen.

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