Chapter 1

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(Y/N), at the age of 4 had been sent to a boarding school for everyone's safety, including her own. Her brother, Katsuki, had continued his life unknowing he had a sister far away. He had gone to UA high to become a hero, although there had been many issues resulting in his kidnapping. (Y/N) didn't know much about her brother and couldn't remember him as they were separated at such a young age, but when she heard of the horrid events on the news about the 16 year old Bakugo Katsuki being kidnapped by the league of villains she decided it had been long enough.

- Bakugo twins aged 16 -

"I'm sorry, Toga. I just have to..." (Y/N) hugged the blonde tightly "I won't be long..."

"I know, I know, " Toga frowned "at least spend the day with me before you leave!"

"I'd love to!" (Y/N) smiled widely and grabbed the blonde's hand "Where to?"

"Ice-cream!" Toga grinned happily and skipped towards the exit, dragging (Y/N) along with her. She giggled like an excited child and placed a sweet kiss to (Y/N)'s cheek. They walked hand in hand to their favorite ice-cream store.

"What will it be for my princess?" (Y/N) asked politely earning a giggle and blush from the shorter girl.

"Strawberry!" Toga exclaimed

(Y/N) bought the ice-creams and they left the store, heading for the beach.

"So why are you going to visit your brother? It's been 12 years and you hardly even remember him!" Toga questioned,

"I just want to know him... He was kidnapped too, what if he died and I never got to know him!" (Y/N) spoke with traces panic and sadness in her voice "I don't even know if he remembers me..."

"I'm sure everything will be fine, (N/N)!" Toga turned (Y/N)'s face towards her and kissed her softly. The (E/C) eyed girl smiled, her sadness washed away from the sweet gesture. They walked down the side of the beach silently, enjoying the light breeze and each other's company.

The day grew dark and cold and they decided to head back to the dorms. Toga was sad knowing (Y/N) was going to be leaving for a while but she was also happy that leaving would make her girlfriend happy and that's what mattered to her.

"You ready to leave tomorrow?" Toga asked.

"Yup! I can't wait, I wish you could come with me!" (Y/N) attacked Toga with another hug.

"I wish I could too, but you know I can't..." despite the hug, Toga frowned.

She stares her (E/C) orbs into her girlfriends golden ones and leans into her, kissing her passionately. The blonde melted into the kiss and was soon separated from the need to breathe.

"I love you, my princess."

"I love you too, (N/N)."

They went their separate ways to their rooms and got ready for the night knowing they won't see each other for a while...

- The next morning -

(Y/N) woke up early and completed her daily morning routine. Dressing in a dark red skirt, cream blouse, black shoes with knee-high socks laced with a bow at the top and to finish her look she tied her signature bow into her hair. The same bow her brother had given to her so long ago. She looked in the mirror and fixed herself up with some slight makeup. Pulling a strand of hair behind her ear she takes a deep breath preparing herself for the upcoming day.

"Let's do this..."

And with that she left her dorm and headed to the train station.

- A few hours on the train -

She sat alone on the train waiting for her destination when an older man sat beside her, placing a hand on her thigh.

"U-uh excuse me?" (Y/N) stuttered while removing his hand from her leg, which he immediately put back on her. He leaned into her ear. She trembled.

"Young girl like you, all alone, who knows what could happen to you..." Her breath hitched as his hand moved higher.

"Hey! Get your filthy hand off her!" A manly voice spoke.

She looked up and saw a sharp toothed boy with bright red hair, staring hopelessly at him as the older man squeezed her upper thigh in anger.

"Get lost boy!" He spoke.

"It's obvious she doesn't want your hands on her!" The red head defended the girl.

The older man growled and moved away from them muttering something under his breath as her saviour took his place beside her. He placed his hand on the shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asked calmly.

"Y-yes, thank you!" She wiped a tear that had been rolling down her cheek.

"What hero would I be if I just let him do that?" He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously, "I'm Kirishima Eijiro!" He held his other hand out to shake. She took his hand and replied,

"I'm Bakugo, Bakugo (Y/N)..."

His wide smile was replaced as his face stared at her in shock,

"Did you say Bakugo? As in Bakugo Katsuki?!"

Viper (Toga Himiko x Fem!Reader) DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now