Chapter 1

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2 September, 1985

It was a normal day in Tampa, Florida. A head of curly, dirty blonde curls was heading towards the school building. It was the first day of school, the day everyone had been dreading...

This girl happened to be Alexandra Hudson. A sixteen-year-old average teenager with a normal family and a normal life. She has a group of good friends that she can count on, but her best friend is a girl called Lainie Smith, a rather short girl with black hair and dark brown eyes. Alex and Lainie are both, as people like to call it, "popular" girls. Because of that they are adored, yet hated at the same time - depending on who you would ask.

"Hey girl!" Lainie greeted her best friend with a warm hug.

"Hey!" Alex replied with a big smile. Even though they had seen each other during the summer holidays, she was still happy to see her again. "I can't believe we are back here."

"Me neither." Said Lanie. "But hey! We can throw a party now that everybody's in town." She smirked and lifted her eyebrows up.

Lainie was the type of person that loved partying. You have a hundred percent chance of seeing her at any party that you go to. She is the true definition of a party animal.

Alex just rolled her eyes at her friend's stupid comment. "Let's get moving to get our stuff ready for class." She said after looking at her watch.

The girls entered the building. A lot of people were saying 'hi' to them or just simply smiling at them. Alex and Lanie got to where their lockers were. They took the books that they needed for the first period and started walking towards the History classroom.

Neither of the girls were very good students. Yeah, they usually did their homework and sometimes payed attention in class, but were too lazy to do extra work at home. Alex's bad side is Maths and History, it has always been. She sucks at both subjects, at History most likely because she doesn't read her books at home.


"This class was horrible." Alex sighed as her and her best friend exited the Maths classroom. It was already lunch time so they headed to the school canteen.

As they were walking they saw a group of five boys in the hallway. Those guys did not belong to the "cool kids", just like many others in that High School. These exact boys happened to be Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, Howie Dorough, AJ McLean and Brian Littrell. Alex didn't have anything against them, but at the same time she didn't really want to hang out with them. Lanie and her passed the group of boys and entered the lunch room in the search of their squad.

Nick Carter who was a sixteen-year-old blonde boy with gorgeous blue eyes was hanging out with his group of friends in the hallway. He, like many others, wasn't widely known around school unlike Alex Hudson, Lanie Smith or Courtney Parkinson. Nick didn't really have a problem with that just like his group of friends, well maybe except for AJ who liked getting attention, especially from girls.

"You on the basketball team this year, Nick?" Kevin, who was one year older than him, asked, making him stop for a second.

"Yeah." He replied after giving the idea a thought. Him, Kevin and Brian were on the basketball team ever since they started attending this high school. Nick had always liked the sport, it was his passion just like singing.

"Oh look, it's the popular chicks." AJ mumbled and laughed. Him and the group weren't a fan of the 'popular' people in school. They thought of them as mean and rude people, who thought of themselves as the kings of the school. Nick looked at Alex who looked back at their group and felt as if something had tickled his stomach. Without even realising it, he started staring at the girl, who was already entering the lunch room.

"Nick, you okay?" Asked him Brian while looking at his face.

"What? Yeah, yeah." He said quickly. "I'm starving. Let's go eat." Nick said as he got up. All the other guys gave each other a look, but followed their blonde friend to the canteen.

The lunch room was crowded with teenagers aged from fourteen to eighteen. Alex and Lanie were sitting on a table with some of their friends, including Courtney, who was probably the meanest girl in the school.

On the other side was located the table of five "popular" boys - Jack Harrington, Zach Miller, Jonah Murray, Corbyn Davis and Daniel Felton. They were the boys that every girl wanted and dreamed about. Nick was sometimes jealous of them, but he never ever admitted it to anybody.

"Is that Jack Harrington?" Alex asked Courtney.

"Yeah." She replied smirkingly. "He's hot, huh?" Alex just nodded as she stared at the cute boy. Jack had brown eyes and curly brown hair. And his smile... his smile was perfect. Jack wasn't the tallest guy, but he was also on the basketball team.

"Aw." Lanie teased her best friend. "Are you crushing on Harrington, Alexandra?"

"Shut up!" Alex said looking back at her plate full of pasta hiding the fact that she was blushing.

"You know that his curls are fake, right?" Another girl - Samantha Plimpton giggled.

"Yeah I know." Alex replied looking back at the gorgeous boy getting butterflies in her stomach. That meant only one thing, she was developing a crush on the 'famous' Jack Harrington.

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