Dear diary,

40 8 0

Gender roles.

What do they mean?

Boys: trucks, blue, tough

Girls: dolls, pink, sensitive

I think eventually when all the old people die off, gender roles will disappear. What the world would be like without these roles in place.

So when I was about 11. It was Christmas. I was at Circuit City. When those stores still existed. I was buying up tons of CDs. Nickelback, Sugar Ray, Black Eyed Peas, BRITNEY SPEARS!

I also found a blue notebook. It was my diary. I would write in it daily. I would write about my life. And my family. And school. Then I started realizing more and more about who I was.

One time when writing I remember explaining all my crushes I had on girls. And I also wrote about being too girly because I was writing.

Now when I look back at my different paragraphs in my diary, it wasn't because it was at all interesting. This was my coping method. Almost like the saying "set in stone"

Well writing about crushes on girls had to make it real. It was written down.

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