Chapter 11: "Bone me, here in the elevator."

Start from the beginning

                True to be told I am nervous. I’ve never been this nervous in my whole life. How am I supposed to lead a man to his death?! With my mouth I’ll probably tell him to run or what’s going on.  Seduce him then led him out the back door. It can’t be that bad. I use to seduce men at the club to get free drinks, this can’t be too different.

                I’m fucked.

                “You’ll be fine,” Henry said, placing his hand on my thigh. I stiffened at his touch. 

                “You don’t know that,” I told him.

                “Well were about to figure it out,” Henry said. I stopped breathing as we came to a spot in the parking lot. I sunk into the leather seats.

                “You’re going to eventually get out,” Henry tells me.

                “If I move I’m going to pee myself.”  

 Julia’s POV

                “Ta’s going to mess this up,” I told Lexi. She laughed and nodded her head at me.

                “Only thing that girl is good at is getting free drinks,” Lex commented.  Jason and Luke came in ‘n grabbed a seat on the couch. Justin brought his computer over to the big flat screen. He started digging through his bag, pulling out a bunch of colored wires. If you couldn’t guess Justin is the tech man.

                Justin started hooking the computer up to the TV making his computer desktop appear on the screen. He clicked some buttons, put in a lot of passwords resulting in security cameras to appear. He clicked on the camera that showed the entrance. A big fancy French title was on it. This is not the type of party I had in mind. Porsche, BMWs where all pulling up to the entrance. Men in suits where getting out and round to open the door for their overly priced dates.

                “Ta is going to fuck this shit up,” I told them all, gasping at the screen.

                “She don’t do fancy shit. She’s more of a Walmart type of girl,” Lexi said. The boys scuffed at us but didn’t say anything. Last time Tatyana was at a fancy place it did not end well. She was dirty dancing with a waiter on top of the tables to my nigga. I thought my great grandma was going to either have a heart failure or a heart attack. Poor old lady who is now seven feet in the ground. This story gets worse she wasn’t even drunk or buzzed.

                A black Dodge Charger pulled up. A sharp dressed man with frizzy hair got out with a cigarette in his mouth. He walked around to let out a slutty girl.

Henry’s POV

                I got out of my styling car with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. Don’t judge it calms the nerves. Ta had about five of them on the way. Never thought I would say this about a girl smoking but she looked hot! Henry get your head in the game. Once in there I got to find a girl to bone. I opened the door for Tatyana.

                “Remember the mission?” I whisper in her ear while putting my arm around her shoulder. She gave me a weak nod as I threw my keys to the man at the door.

                “My name is Ashley and I need to seduce that man to go outside,” she said quietly. I gave her a nod telling her she got it right. We walked into the first floor full of want to be. All the riches will be upstairs including the victim. I led Ta over to the elevator.

Julia’s POV

                She’s doing it! My heart swelled with pride as they stepped into the elevator. Tatyana might not mess this up! Thank the fucking unicorns. Wait, she supposed to get him out the back door. Yeah, right!

                “How is she supposed to get him out of the back door?” I asked voicing my thoughts, “This isn’t a club it’s a fancy place.”

                “Umm,” Luke said scratching his head. They didn’t think of it! Nice plan.

                “Guys we have a bigger problem than getting the man killed. The elevator stopped,” Justin budded in. The room fell silent as we just stared at the elevator door.

                “Soooo, Batman what is the plan?” Lexi asked with an amused smile. Jason looked at her and shrugged.

                “I think we would order pizza,” the bimbo said walking into the room.

                “Hey! I like her!” Lexi shouted. She jumped off the couch and hugged the bimbo. Eww, she probably will have a STD now.

Ta’s POV


                Henry and I walked into the elevator. The elevator dude nodded at us and Henry nodded back. Maybe he is in on the plan.

                “Is he in?” I asked Henry when the doors closed.

                “No,” he said bluntly and rolled his eyes. Someone is crabby. The elevator shook to a stop making the lights flicker.

                “Did the elevator just stop?” I asked holding onto the wall.

                Henry slowly nodded and said, “I think so.”

                I started hyphenating, “I’m going to die! I’m not ready to go into the light. I still have to get a private show form Channing Tatum and see Zac Efron in Magic Mike XXL! God he is so sexy, you cannot deprive me of his sexiness-.” I was cut off by Henrys mouth on mine. He slowly pulled away. Holy lips of an angle.

                “Look I volunteered to come so I could get boned or have sex on top of an expensive car and that’s not going to happen so shut up!”

                “Bone me, here in the elevator. It’s better than an ‘expensive’ car.”

                What the fuck am I getting into?


Sorry for the long wait I go to school and that shit is stressful. 

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