2. Talkin' bout my best friends

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I feel Maggie behind me patting my back and holding my hair back as I puke my guts out.

"That is seriously disgusting." She groaned. "But that's what sisters are for, right?"

So meanwhile I was puking I realized it was the vodka and the tuna sandwich I had earlier and the gross view I had of her literally sticking her tongue out and just going in and ew.

"C'mon, let's go home." She said helping me up and grabbing my stuff.

I look over to her and smirk. "Never, ever make me a tuna sandwich again."

She punches my arm and chuckles.

When we arrive my phone begins to ring.

I groan and look at the caller I.D.

I squeal and drop my bag.

"Oh my god!!" I'm jumping up and down now.

"Taylor!" I answer smiling.

"Hey, cutie. Ya miss me?" I hear her voice.

"More than anything!" I smile looking for my keys in my purse.

Maggie is holding my phone for me and holding her bag and mine.

"I have a surprise for you darling!" I hear her laugh.

"What is it?" I ask shoving the key in and opening the door.

I turn on the lights and throw my bag.

"SURPRISE!" I hear two people yell.

I jump back looking startled.

My mouth falls to the ground as I see my two best friends.

"OHMUGOD." I yell running towards them. I jump on them then feel someone on top of me.

"Maggie get your ass off of me!" I yell.

She laughs.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" I basically cried and suffocated them with my hugs.

"WE ARE GOING OUT FOR COFFEE RIGHT NOW!" I yell going over to my closet and getting two t-shirts out and two jeans.

I throw a pair at Maggie and then I change into mine.

Black jeans, grey t-shirt, red flannel, outfit on point.

I threw my heels and shoved my converse on then fixed my hair and motioned to everyone to get in my car.

"But you were throwing up like, 15 minutes ago?" Maggie complained.

"WOMAN. I am fine. If you complain one more time I will grab the dildo you have under your bed and shove it down your throat." I yelled.

"But I don't own a fucking dildo?!" She threw her hands up, I turned around and glared at her.

"Sorry." She rolled her eyes.

"Stephanie, how's your boyfriend?" I turn around wrapping my arms around the three idiots I love.

"Who? Calum? Oh, fine. Heproposedtome." She mumbled.

All of our heads snap towards her.


"When did he do such thing?" I ask getting into the drivers seat.

"Like maybe a week ago?" She shrugged.

"Gee thanks for ringing."

"And you don't tell me?"

"Wow, see how much you love me."

"Sorry guys, I just was so busy!" She stressed.

"But don't worry all of you guys are my lady of honor," She smiled at us.

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