The Beginning

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0 Kira's PoV0
After he said that, he then look at me... And then make a shocking face, and grab me and pull me closer to his face... " others....." He said.. Looking at my eyes and touching my hair...
"What are you taking about... And let me go" I said... He then let me go.. "Follow me..." I said...  We walked all around the Obiliana Palace. After that, I told Lillian to show him where he will be staying. They left and I walk towards my throne, I was about to sit down until a maid walk before me and give me a letter. I open it and saw an invitation, From my cousin Haruka.
It writes:

Hello cousin, How are you? I'm doing great here in Crystal Kingdom, I want to invite you to my kingdom. I want to let you know, that Cheri is coming to. So.. Please come tomorrow.
P.S please invite your children too or someone you meet. Or, your boyfriend.

Your cousin,

I don't have a boyfriend, wait... Someone I meet? Oh, the sorcerer, Free De La Hoya. Guess I have to get ready for tomorrow, I gave the letter to the maid. And I walk towards the room that I prepare for Free, I open the door and saw no one. I was curious and heard some water running down, Guess he's taking a shower. After that, He open up the door....... Half naked with towels on. I blush a little, he look at me and ask.. "Why are your highness doing here?" He said, I clear my throat and sit down on the bed. "Well, I want to bring you to my cousin's tea party well, something like that. My cousin, her Majesty Haruka Michiho with his Majesty  Wakiya Murasaki." I said. He look at me for a while and respond. "I would be honour to go with your Highness." He said. "The tea party or anything they call that, is tomorrow so.. Get ready." I said while walking out of the room. I sigh and walk towards my throne. I open the royal blue curtains and lay down at the comfy bed. Well, at the back of my throne has a secret place where Can sleep. And I cover myself with the fluffy blanket and driven to sleep.

0Free's PoV0
Hah....cute. I smirk as she got out of the room... Should I tell her about her.... Nevermind, I'll tell her when she figure out who am I.



To lazyyyy.. Sorry if its short. I'll try to make part 3 longer, but first... Examssssss

A sorcerer who claims the Queen.. 【Kingdom AU】 (Beyblade x OC)Where stories live. Discover now