dimples (a poem for my friend who gets sad sometimes and doesn't know why)

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your dimples stick out on your cheeks,
beautiful and ready to comply with a smile
that is not always there,
it makes your dimples sad,
knowing that you too are feeling like rain on what's supposed to be a sunny summer day,
your dimples hide away; afraid of the world,
but when you laugh, they preen,
and when you smile, they are no longer fearful,
your dimples love to see what makes you happy,
for when your lips twitch upwards— even just the slightest bit,
they are on show, taking in the view of the things that bring you joy,
like your family at the dinner table,
or a new vintage camera you just got,
or the leaves changing colors— green to a beautiful mix of orange and red and yellow in the fall,
or seeing two people, no matter the gender, so deeply in love and gone for each other,
or taking a bath for too long to the point where your fingers are all pruny like a little raisin but it was relaxing,
or when you're reading a book that just fills your heart with joy— leaving you giddy;
because it's the small things in life that let your dimples free,
the things that most people don't even give a second thought,
are the things that mean the most,
to not only your dimples but also to you;
you and your dimples are connected,
they feel every emotion,
every ounce of pain,
every bit of anger and frustration,
and yet, they also feel your happiness,
your love and your bliss.
your dimples feel.
they feel you.
everything raw and bare,
your most naked and vulnerable thoughts have been shared with your dimples;
and your dimples always react— with a frown, with a grin, with something small and inbetween.
because your dimples don't mind being there through it all,
they prefer it when you're in high spirits and your laughter, boisterous and loud, can be heard from miles away,
but they will still always be there through the days where the rain seems to pour and the sky is dark, filled with grey clouds and covering your sunshine.
your dimples are hidden on those days, yet still there, they always will be.
because they are constant and filled with love for you,
all of you,
unfiltered and exposed,
your dimples love.

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