I got to my sister's house and grabbed Ashton's back pack I took the keys out and went to the backseat. I unbluckled Ashton picked him up and grabbed benjis leash as well. I walked to her front door and walked in.

"LEXIE I'M HERE!" I yelled so she can come down the stairs. She came down a couple of seconds later. I took off benjis leash and put it on her kitchen counter with Ashton's backpack.

"Hey sis"

"Hey um I'll be back in like 2 hours for him and benji"

" Oh he bought benji "

"Yea he didn't want to leave without him" I said laughing a bit

"Ok then I gotta them but where are you going?" She asked

" Um I'm going to see Jayden "

"Jayden as Jayden Ashton's dad" she said shocked

" Yup I'm going to see the only Jayden I know" I said

"Oh wow are  you going to tell him about Ashton?"

" yea I'm planning to"

"Well how did you know that he was in town?"

" Oh I ran into Austin at the grocery store and he said they are going to be here for a while "

"Oh so Austin's in town too" she said with a smirk

"Oh my god girl you are going to try to hit him up huh"

" of course he is fineee" she said with a smile on her face she likes him for so long but never had the guys to tell him

"Oh my god well I'll tell him to text you" I said messing around

"Oh my gosh he is going to be there can I go with you?" she said excited

" Um no what the hell your staying here watching my son and my dog" I said

" aww dang it"

"Yup but I'll tell him that you like him and for him to make a move on you" I said laughing

"Oh my gosh no don't do that!" She said with a pleading look

" fine I won't but you know you low key want me to" I said laughing

" ugh no I don't "

" mmmk well I got to go already Austin just texted me" I said looking down at my phone

" Ok then but tell Austin I said hi "

"Ok I will bye" I said giving her a hug and walking to Ashton

" Alright I'm leaving already baby listen to your tia " I said giving Ashton a hug and a kiss

"Ok I will bye I love you mommy " he said

"Bye baby I love you too" I smiled and walked towards the front door.

"Alright bye lex don't kill my kid!" I said while walking out

"No promises" she said saying it loud enough so Ashton can hear

" WHATTTTT!!! " he yelled

"I'm kidding" she said to Ashton

" stop scaring my son lexie"I said while laughing

"Alright then have fun!" She yelled

" ugh I hope I do " I said to myself while walking to my car and getting in. Ugh I feel so nervous. I turned I'm the car and started driving to Jayden's mom's house. I still remembered where she lived because me and Jayden would always be at her house when we were going out. She would always cook us some  really really good food. I parked in the side of the road and picked up my phone and texted Austin back

Texts between Ashley -A and Austin-B

B-  hey where are you??

A- I'm driving over there already

B- ok cause he knows something is up and keeps asking questions

A-ok I'll be there in 10

B- ok try to hurry you know I can't hold in things when people keep asking questions

A- I know alright I'm almost there don't say anything I'm text you when I'm outside

B- aight bye

A- bye

End of text messages

I quickly out my phone away and started driving again. I'm so nervous what if he just sees me and gets mad? Or if he just slams the door on me? I have to stop over thinking.

~A couple of minutes later~

I parked in the front of Jayden's mom's house. But I quickly texted Austin that I was out side. He said ok and that he was going to have Jayden open the door. Right now saying that I'm nervous is a understatement right now.

I slowly get out of the car and lock it. I walked up the porch to the front door. You could hear music and talking from outside. I knocked on the door but immediately regretted it. I turned on my heels and was about to walk away when I heard Jayden talk.

"Ugh can I help you?" He said while My back was still towards him.

" Um hey Jayden " I said shyly

"Oh Ashley........



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