"wait aren't you guys supposed to be  twins?" he asks in confusion

"we're not identical" Jay and jordy reply

"sure, so what's up? What are you guys doing here?"

"well I decided to take them shopping and I thought I should at least show them the place I work" I explain and Louis nods

"So I guess I'll see you guys around?" he says and I nod with a smile

"Bye Louis" Jamie calls after him and I give her a knowing look

"whaaat" she replies shly

"Anyways girls let's get to work" I drag my best friend and sisters with me to wonder land. Okay not exactly wonderland just a lingerie shop near by.

We got some clothes from credos and some other shops in town so the only place left to go was Novara and I'm super excited to take them there because I know their expression is gonna be priceless

"Are we there yet because I really need to pee" jordy says

"Almost" I reply

Some minutes later we arrive at Novara and we make our way in.

"Hi please can you show me where the bathroom is located?" I ask the receptionist and she shows jordy the way.

I wait for them to return before I ask the receptionist about Sig.ra Rodriguez

"Oh she's in her office, I'll get her for you now" she says and I Thank her

"Oh sweetheart! I've been expecting you!" Sig.ra Rodriguez walks up to we with a smile and I can't help but smile too as she pulls me for a hug.

"Actually I came to get some things for myself, my best friend Sam and my sisters, Jamie and Jordan" I introduce her to Sam and my sisters.

"Oh my my, the more the merrier" she says in her lovely Italian accent and I swoon

"you all can just call me Sig.ra Rodriguez." she walks up to them and they smile at her and give her compliments.

While they were busy looking for cute outfits and jewelry, I got a call from Levi

"Hey baby" I say with a smile on my face

"how are you princess?" he asks

"I'm good. Just out shopping with my girls. You good?" I ask with a smile on my face

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just missing the love of my life." he says and I swoon

This man!

"well I miss you too. When am I going see you?" I ask

"Well I'm currently in California, I'll be back tomorrow, so when I'm back can we go on a date?" he says smugly and I just laugh

"Sure lover boy. I'll be waiting for you."

"That's my girl. I'll call you later before bed okay?" he says and I smile

"Okay babe."

"I love you princess"

"And I love you too babe"

After ending the call, I head back to meet the girls

"Cass doesn't think look good on me?" Jordan asks and I raise my brow

"You look breathtaking but don't you think it's showing too much?" I ask

"oh Cass don't be a slob it's not" Sam says

"It's perfect. I think we should go clubbing tomorrow, and  you should totally wear that dress" Sam tells Jordan and Jamie

"okay bad idea, firstly they're are too young and-"

"We're 18!" they both say cutting me off earning a glare from me

"and I don't want them getting into any trouble" I finish massaging my temples

"Don't worry about that they'll be fine and they won't be getting into any trouble, besides it'll be good for them to let loose since they've been through a lot recently"  Sam says looking at me with pleading eyes


"Fine, but y'all have to be back early and also no one's getting drunk" I point a finger at the girls.

"yay, Cass you're the best!" they all hug me and I laugh.

I won't trade them for anything in this world

"now, y'all come help me get a dress. I have a date with Levi tomorrow" I smirk and they all look at me knowingly.

After shopping we decided to see mum and also get her something to eat. She looked better than when I last saw her and I was glad. Sam had to meet her boyfriend so she left the hospital for his place early.

When mum fell asleep, the twins and I went home, immediately we entered the house we just freshened up and went to sleep, too tired to even watch TV.

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