Powers you want

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Tony and pepper-mind control

Why- think of what you could do

Steve- invisibility

Why- you can hide from the teachers when you don't want to work

Thor and Jane-flight

Why- you want to scare pilots

Natasha and Bruce-Shape shifting

Why- you want to see what it's like too be a dog

Wanda and vision- you already have powers

Pietro- you have superspeed

Bucky- already have powers

Scott and Hope- earth bending

Why- you want to be one with the earth

Loki- you have magic

Stephen strange- you have magical abilities

Carol Danvers- you have your moms powers

Nick fury- super strength

Why- you want to be feared like your father

T'challa- you want to speak to animals

Why- when you were younger you were obsessed with Disney and wanted to be like Snow White, no one questioned you

Clint and laura- the power to not to homework

Why- you hate school

Peter P and MJ- you have spider powers

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