Chapter two.

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Dean knew I was hurting earlier this morning and let me sleep on the bed. So I did, I heard the rumble of the oldest Winchester getting up from the couch.He was mumbling, and stood and got coffee him and Sam started speaking. "When did she go to bed?" Sam asked. "Around 2 so maybe we should leave around 8?" Dean said. "What time is it?" Sam yawned, it sounded like a muffled roar. "6:30, I'll wake her up around 7." He said. I turned and put the cover around me.

At nearly 7 I felt a hand shake my hip. I moaned and opened one eye. "What, what's wrong?" I asked. Sam smiled. "C'mon we gotta go Soon so get up Rory." He got up from the bed as I pushed the cover Off and got some coffee. Sam looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked, he was staring at me. "Nothing." he laughed. "Tell me!" I groaned. "You bled through your shorts" I grabbed them and looked around. I was so mad. "Sam!" I said. He laughed, I hit him "Ow sorry!" He laughed putting his hands up in defense. I went to the bathroom and looked. And grabbed a tampon. I put on my now dry jeans, a white V-neck and black boots. I walked out and Sam looked at me I hit him my lips puckered. " Get your bags Rore.." Sam said after I stopped. I got them. And I looked at Sam "Where's Dean?" "Waiting." Sam replied. "Where?" I asked again. "He's outside spaz." Sammy laughed. I got my bags and walked outside, Sam behind me. Dean was leaned over on the impala on the phone. I walked down the stairs to him as he shut his phone. "Well good morning sleeping ugly." I gasped. "What is with you two dipshits today!?"

Dean laughed. "I'm only messing with you Rore." He said, I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I put my stuff in the trunk and looked at both of them. "I'm sitting shotgun." I said. "No! you're not!" Dean said. I tried opening the door but Dean had the keys and there was no way in hell that I would get in. "Please, after all you did call me ugly." I pouted. Sammy laughed. "Yeah you should let her sit up front." Sam said. Dean looked at me. "Okay, until we get to Omaha: And then it's mine!"

Eight hours and 45 minutes later we hit Omaha. The light singing of Journey by Dean and Sammy struggling to keep his jacket on me, because I was shivering. I awoke. "There's nothing but buildings." I said leaning up putting Sam's jacket around me. "Thank you captain obvious." Dean laughed I turned. "You're gonna get slapped." I said. "Oh really?" "Yes! you are shut up!" "PMS'ing..." Sam whispered. Dean looked at me. "Oh I'm so scared." He said. "You're gettin on my nerves Dean." I said. "Well I'm sorry your highness." He replied. "Look you have one more time to get sassy and I will get my blade and cut it across your face DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!" I said. Dean looked at me. And Sam told me to turn around.

We got to our motel room and I walked up the stairs to the bed on the second floor. "This is amazing!" I said. Dean looked up at me. "She's excited." He said Sam laughed. "She's happy, let her be." He said. "You know what I did in the car to Rory was just fun right?" "She understands she's known you for thirteen years Dean."

Thirteen years and these last two have been living with these two brothers going on hunting adventures or just hanging out.

I got dressed into a tight black skirt, a white button down and a blazer I put my hair up in an up-do and got my heels I walked down the stairs to the guys dressed in suits. "You look nice." Sam said. "I'm only doing this. dammit, these shoes are not going on my feet. I'm more of a boots kinda gal!" "You have to just for a day."

We went outside I got in the back putting on my shoes Dean looked back at me my legs showed. He looked at them. "Keep your eyes up buddy boy." I said. Sam looked at me from the rearview mirror. And smirked shaking his head. We stopped at the crime scene and got out we went under the tape and showed them our badges.

"This is Agent Stark, and Banner." Sam said, "Agent Stark." the deputy sheriff said shaking Deans hand. "Agent Banner." he said shaking my hand his eyes filled with lust. Sam saw it and introduced himself. "Rogers. FBI agent Rogers." he said. Holding out his hand. they explained to us that 4 people have been found with blood coming from there eyes. "Can you locate us to the crime scene?" Sam asked. "It's under investigation at the moment." Uh-Huh damn right. "Do you know the way to the ladies room?" the deputy smiled at me and guided me. I looked back and winked. They looked at me confused. While I opened the door I took my hair down and opened a few buttons while letting my skirt pull up a couple of inches and my bra. I ruffled my hair and walked out. Sam looked at me and gasped and Dean looked over. "Hot diggity damn." Dean said. I walked back and asked the deputy again. "Can we see the crime scene please?" I asked. the deputy nodded."Well yes Agent Banner." He led us I looked at Sam and Dean. Sammy leaned down. "Good work."

Ardent ( A Supernatural fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα