1. Kinky.

89 2 1

Carters p.o.v

This is genuinely stupid.

Oh dear, I'm in so much trouble.

"Run!" I hear Maggie's voice.

I take off running, hearing her snickering.

"Did you do it?!" I yell while running.

"No, I just sat there and stared at her. Of Course I fucking did!" She laughed and we both sprinted to the end of the street.

When we heard a scream.

I turned around and began laughing.

"I can't believe you had this amazing idea, Carter." Maggie laughed as we skipped back to her house.

"Well what can I say? I'm a genius." I said while winking at her.

"Damn right you are, filling her bed with crabs is just brilliant. Now come on, let's get inside." She smiled as we ran inside her house.

"Wait, what time is it?" I groaned.

"8:30, that's right. You have to go work huh?" She laughed.

"Well, you work there too. You're just really lazy. Now let's go. I need my uniform."

"What uniform?Just wear anything." She groaned throwing her water bottle at me.I flipped her off and ran towards the door not before opening the water bottle and dumping the water on her.

"You little shit!" I took off running towards my car and jumped in.

"I'm picking you up at 9!" I yelled and sped back to my our dorm.

We have a dorm except its more like mine because she had her own house her parents gave her, so the room is all mine.

I parked my car in the parking lot, obvi.

"Well, Carter. Obviously you need to park the car in the damn parking lot."

"Oh, no. I'll just park it right next to that bench, poor bench looks so lonely."

"You're so stupid."

"I know."

"You should probably stop talking to yourself before they think you're crazy."

So I did.

I went straight to my door and put on a black tight dress with my black choker and grabbed my black heels.

"What am I forgetting?" I mumbled to myself.

I shrugged then put on my name tag and grabbed my coat.

If Maggie isn't ready I'm letting her walk to the club.

She's stupid enough to crash her own car to a tree

I made my way to her house again and honked to let her know I was here.

I've know her for so long, since 5th grade and I've tolerated her ass. I need a freaking award for that, you see, she can be a ass at times but somewhere in her, like deep in her, she has a caring heart and is extremely lovely.

"Not," I laughed out loud.

"Lol." I laughed even harder.

Maggie opened the door and stared at me.

"My neighbors think that you're crazy."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, only god knows." I said while poking her side.

"Let's go get laid!" She yelled and pumped her fist.

"To Narnia!" We yelled at the same time and began to make our way to the club.

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