Chapter Two

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Someone said to me that I should continue this book. Thank you all for enjoying my book... this chapter is dedicated to all my new friends who love this book.

You slowly entered what was once known as the most smuggling operating port mafia warehouse.

The smell of dust and rusty steels engulfing your senses. It was too dark for you to see, as you were contemplating as to whether you should continue forward...

"I've already made it this far, I'm not backing out!" You said to yourself.

As you were now walking in the dark, you found yourself in the middle of the warehouse.

"What to do next?" A smooth voice said from the darkness. No matter how much you tried you could not see anything. "Isn't that what your asking yourself?" The voice said again.

Not knowing what to do you continued forward. Soon you saw several men with black suites holding machine guns.

In front of them stood a man you immediately recognised.


Quickly you hid yourself behind the large stacked up boxes.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. You thought to yourself as you were about to witness a murder.

As you heard someone pleaded for his life and his family's your blood boiled. But you were stuck, what should you do?

"---Please, don't involve my family. They have nothing to do with this.. I'll... I'll pay you the money. Just please don't hurt my family." The man who was brought to his knees pleaded.

"I'm not known for mercy," Dazai said. "But how does it feel? The Fear of knowing that sweet death is just around the corner?" He concluded.

"Daddy, I'm scared!" The blond girl said as she clutched her father's shirt.

"How touching," Dazai mocked. "Don't worry I'll put you out of your misery."

How cruel could this guy be? You angrily thought.

You couldn't stand the screams of the little girl. Without thinking you ran In front of Osamu and spread your arms wide to shield the family that was In front of you.


As he was about to pull the trigger, there stood a girl with (hair colour) and (eye colour), determined to stop him.

Dazai smirked as realized who was this lovely flower in front of him.

The President's delicate flower. He thought.

"The Priesdent's Daughter." He said out loud. "I predicted that someone from the agency would interrupt me, but never would I thought that I would be graced by your lovely presence."

You might be cruel and a bit sadistic in your own way but this...

You held your head high and squarely hardened your gazed towards Dazai. "You Port Mafia scumbags are not only blemishes to society but also heartless monsters!" You said through clenched teeth.

You looked at his exposed eye. No matter how brave you thought you were, no matter how much horror and gore you saw in you life. This was the first time were you actually felt hate and fear at the same time.

Slowly your vision was tainted red, due to your rage. You knew that there was no turning back.

Port Mafia Black --- Distrustful Love (Dazai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now