Say Goodbye... For Now

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"My brothers and sisters," he looks into the crowd of faces. He briefly flashes back to Dean, telling him to go and fix the angel family, but his eyes begging him desperately to come back to him. And the relief and pain in his eyes when Castiel promised he would come back because he wanted to believe Cas, but Cas has broken promises before.

"I do not wish to anger anyone, but I'd like to say: I plan to fall. However, I shall be back in a little while. I miss the humans."

Uproar. Finally, it quiets, and an angel named Jehudiel asks, "Why do you wish to leave us?"

Castiel sighs heavily. "Dean Winchester. He asked me to come back to him. I intend to keep my promise."

"Do you value his life above your family in Heaven?"

Castiel looks tiredly at Jehudiel's lined face. The look he gives him says it all.

"You're- you're in love with the Righteous Man, aren't you?" Jehudiel realizes.

"He asked me to come back to him. After all the times I failed him, and everyone else, it's the least I can do. I won't be gone for long- just a lifetime, and then I will be back."

"And the Righteous Man will come back with you, won't he?"

Castiel nods. "I- I am in love with Dean Winchester. I wish to live a human life with him."

"And what shall we do while you are gone?" Another angel, Iofiel, asks.

Castiel smiles, remembering when it was the Heavenly Father leaving and the angels were distraught.

To compare himself to his father is blasphemous, but he can't help but notice a few similarities.

"I am not your leader, nor will I pretend to be. I learned before that angels and free will don't mix well. You need someone to lead you. But I cannot do that. I tried before, and look how that worked out. You can function without me."

"I think you have learned how to lead. I would be willing to follow you, if you chose to lead again." Jehudiel pipes up.

Castiel smiles. "Thank you. But I will not make the same mistake twice."

"Perhaps when you come back, you will have changed your mind."

"I do not think I will. Goodbye, my brothers and sisters. I will see you soon."

With that, he slices his throat and holds a little bottle to catch his grace. As he falls from Heaven, he throws his grace to Earth.

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