Challenge Continues

Start from the beginning

Fauna, Shuri, and Ross were waiting for T'Challa que, "Shuri now." T'Challa said to his sister, "Copy that." Shuri said. The three sneaked into the lab as border tribe men ran to battle, "Go,go,go. Come on Ross." Shuri said as Ross was looking behind them at the running men. The tiro made it into Shuri lab, "Fauna and I will get control of the Royal Talon with this." Shuri explained to Ross showing him the EMT Beads. Ross looked so overwhelmed, Fauna had to laugh at his face,"So what do I do?" Ross asked. "You have to fly it." Fauna said as Shuri placed the Kimoyo Beads on his wrist. "Wait wha-" Ross started looking at the women, "You were a great pilot Agent Ross." Fauna reassured him, "Don't worry, i'll guide you through it. It's like riding a hover board." Shuri teased. "You have hover boards?" Ross said in excitement, Fauna nod her head at him as she grab her weapon of choice which was a small sword and daggers. "Fauna grab that." Shuri said pointing to the Dora armor, "No thank you, I think i'm ok." Fauna said as she ran up the stairs. "Good luck Agent Ross!" Shuri said, "Yea I don't think-" Ross begin, "We're counting on you." Fauna smiled down at him. Ross looked after the ladies then sigh, "It's the smile I swear." Ross mumble to himself, he didn't want to let the Princess down nor Fauna. The ladies were changing into their armor, while Shuri was putting on war paint on herself and Fauna, "You better be careful, I don't want brotha to have my head if something happens to you." Shuri teased. Fauna laugh as Shuri finished her makeup, "You better be carful as well." Fauna said. The ladies looked to one another then gave each other a hug, "Are you ready?" Shuri asked, Fauna took a deep breath nodding her head, "Let's go." Fauna said.

Shuri was opening the door, the ladies saw two Boarder tribe men standing guard, Shuri blasted them away as they ran over to the Royal Talon Shuri threw the EMT Bead on it gaining control. Shuri told Ross to get in to stop the Border Tribe from transporting their weapons., "Fauna, if you get angry, just let it out." Shuri said, Fauna gave her a look then nod her head, "Ok" Fauna said as both of them witness Ross taking down a few airships, the girls gave each other a high five in excitement.They continue to watch as the Dora Milaje took control of Erik locking him between them. Fauna will always be shock at the women strength, "So this why they protect the King." Fauna said quietly, as she watched the ladies work, sadly Shuri smarts worked against them causing Erik to blast the warriors away from him. Fauna winced seeing them fly, "Our turn." Shuri said. Fuana nod as she looked to Erik, "Wakanda Forever!" Fauna shouted running towards Killmonger as  Shuri blasted her cannons at him, gaining his attention, Erik smiled at them pointing his spear at them as Fauna got to him first. Fauna and Shuri were doing a great job at team work, as Erik was about to stab her with his spear she grabbed it between her arms pulling it away from him while swing her sword at him catching him on his arm. Erik let out a hiss, as he swung his claws at her causing Fauna to holler in pain, he then grab her throwing her far away from him. He turned his attention to Shuri next.

Fauna groaned as she ate dirt, she stood up feeling anger course through her, she was about to run at Erik again when a voice from above her was heard. "Where you think you're going slut." Tobias said from on top of a rock with a smirk, Fauna glared at him her eyes orange, "Tobias." Fauna hissed out in anger, Tobias let out a war cry as he aimed his weapon at her, Fauna dodged out the way then hissed. She looked down seeing Erik claw marks on her thigh, "Awe did the whore get hurt, don't worry. I can look pass that when I get you in my bed." Tobias said as he charged at her once again, Fauna was doing a good job dodging his attacks which mad Tobias angry. He finally had enough and did a dirty move on her, he grab a hand full of dirt throwing it in her face, Fauna closed her eyes as she stumbled. Tobias then cut her on her stomach and ribs causing her to fall on the ground while rubbing the dirt from her eyes, "Get up now! I don't want to scare that body to much." Tobias taunt. "Fauna stood up shakily her eyes going full red as she stared at the man with hate, "Why are you so mad at me Tobias? I thought you were T'Challa friend what happened?" Fauna huffed, Tobias looked at her with disgust, " Friend! he choose a whore over his 'friend' i've been there for him since we were kids. And here you come along open your stank legs and now he sides with you! You can't respect a King to lay with a whore then want to make her Queen. Why have you, someone who sleep with anyone, be ruler of Wakanda. You are the the worst scum of the world, I would rather see you dead then to see you beside that foolish 'friend' of mine." Tobias spat at her as he swung at her, Fauna blocked him as he pushed her back, Fauna grunt feeling his weight but also not feeling it at the same time, "I'm sorry you feel this way. I wish you would've said something instead of holding onto this hate." Fauna grunted as she begin to push back, "But, I will not allow you to disrespect T'Challa, I will not allow you to disrespect me." Fauna said as she and Tobias went hand to hand once again. "Shut up! i'm tired of your mouth! Why don't you use it like you use too, or did those men all those years ago already wore it out." Tobias said with a smirk. Fauna paused hearing what he said, he told that opportunity to stab her, Fauna yelled falling to the ground with Tobias standing over her.

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