Spider man, Batgirl, and Zatana vs Mysterio

Start from the beginning

"That is a possible assumption Babs

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"That is a possible assumption Babs." Zee Said Who was Now Zatanna.

"Yeah, What makes you think he will be here?" I asked her in my suit that I had to hid in my backpack on the way here and had to walk up the stairs before I could put it on while they got here in their super suits already on

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"Yeah, What makes you think he will be here?" I asked her in my suit that I had to hid in my backpack on the way here and had to walk up the stairs before I could put it on while they got here in their super suits already on. "This place has the most prized possession in their collection called the Metropolis Diamond!" She Said "What makes this diamond any special?" I Asked her "It was found in city limits and it is aid that it glows like a rainbow when it is hit by the rays of the sun." She explained to me "Wow!" I Said "Yep And it is exactly where someone would want to steal it." She Said as she pulls out some binoculars and watches the front door of the museum. "Ok (y/n). You are with Barbara on a superhero stakeout to catch a thief. This is gonna be great." I thought to myself "You guys won't believe this but when I was checking the news it is Said that the places that the imposter stole and lost all their security tapes on that time were stolen after he stole from that place and the people who were in there don't remember anything when they were asked where the tape was." Zatanna Said which made me realize that she was also here. "Rats! I forgot about her!" I thought as she sat down next Barbara and watches the front door of the museum. "This is not how I imagined my first stakeout with Barbara to be like." I thought to myself as I joined them in watching the museum.
Time skip:
Metropolis museum
The museum was packed and people were looking  around the museum. The Middle of the museums front entrance is where the Metropolis Diamond is located and it is the most viewed piece in the museum and people are waiting for the suns Ray to hit it at the right time. Then a mysterious smoke is coming from the door and then a figure jumps in to reveal Spider Man! "Alright no one make movement or you are going to be very sorry!" He Said as everyone was in panic and the guards had the guns trained on him but he then blasts them off with his web shots that knocks them out of their hands. "Those won't work and now I will be taking that diamond." He Said as he was about to take it he heard "Hey faker!" He turns to see the real Spider-Man who was with Zatanna and Batgirl. "What!" "There are two Spider man's!" "What's going on?!?" People Said as they were confused on what was going on. "Stay out of my way!" The imposter said "No way! I'm not going to let you ruin my life by letting you be me!" Spider Man Yelled "Yeah, there is only one Spider-Man!" Batgirl Said "You have the right to remain silent!" Zatanna Said "Good luck with that!" The imposter said as he fires his webs which the hero's dodged the attack that left a mark on the ground. The hero's then charged at the imposter who jumped up high and fire some more webs Zatanna then uses her magic to block the attacks which knocks them away and she pulls up a invisible shield so that the people won't get hurt during the attack. "Batgirl then throws her baterangs at him but they go through him which surprised as he then fires a huge webbing at her which she barely dodged it and hit something on the back which she checks it out as Zatanna and Spider-Man were fighting the imposter. "What's this?" She says as she saw something that was cloaked halfway which had a light going through what appears to be a mobile projector. She picks it up and she turns it to the floor and she sees that it is supposed to look like a part of the building. She checks the area and sees something green floating at the front door. She then runs toward it and she punches the area that is at the green object which revealed to be a person wearing some sort of suit.

 She then runs toward it and she punches the area that is at the green object which revealed to be a person wearing some sort of suit

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"Ughhh!!!" He Said as the projection of the fake Spider man disappears. "What the?" Spider Man Said "How dare you!" He yelled at Batgirl as he fires some sort of gas at her which knocks her out.
(Y/n) POV:
I saw that the man with the fish bowl for a helmet just knocked Barbara out with some sort of gas which I charged at him firing a few webbings at him which he then jumps up high and then fires some sort of smoke at  Me which had my spider senses go crazy and I was then punched by him. "How you like my gas? It is designed it to mess with peoples minds!" He Said as I tired to punch but he dodges it "Hey!" He then turns to see another me "What! But I turned off the projection of him and how did he talk!" He yelled in confusion which Zatanna then use it to appear in front of the illusion and fire some magic at him which he is knocked back and I uses this to get to him and I punched him in the face which breaks his helmet. "And this magic trick is over!" I Said as he recovers and he fires a beam attack at me and it hits me but i fired my web shooter at him at the face blinding him as Zatanna floats up to him and kicks him in ten face knocking him out. She then floats up to me. "Are you ok?" She asks me as she helps me up "Yeah, but we need to check on Batgirl." I Said as we went to check on her we saw that she is fine and is just asleep which sighed in relief as we heard the police sirens. The police cane in and had their guns pointed at me "Spider-Man you are under arrest on accounts of robbery." The police officer said but the crowd that saw everything said told them what happened and they went to check on ten security tapes to see that it was there and the guard had his memory intact which showed that it was illusions which showed him walked in and some smoke and some flying projectors where the things that made the Spider-Man and that the smoke was the thing that cloaked the devices. We then left the museum towards the Spider
HQ to rest. "How Long So you think she will be out?" I Asked Zee "I don't know but it shouldn't be that long?" She Said as we saw that Barbara was waking up "Ugh... what happened?" She asked as she saw that we were somewhere else "We believe that you were knocked out by some sort of knock out gas." Zee told her "Really! Then who was the guy that knocked me out?" She asked us "It was revealed to be Quentin Beck a stuntman and special effects wizard and he used illusions and machinery and different gases and smokes to help with his illusions, and he also called himself the Mysterio." I told her "I'm gonna assume that you two beat him." She Said "Yes And He was tricky due to his gas managed to mess with my spider senses but it was thanks to Zee's illusion to trick him as she fires a blast of her magic at him and I then blinded him which she then kicks him at the head knocking him out." I Said "And is your name as Spider man cleared?" She asked me "Yeah, the Daily Bugle just announce that the imposter was revealed and that they found the stuff that he stole after they interrogated him." I told her "Good. what time is it?" She asks us "It is about to be 9:00." Zee Said "I better get back home. See you guy later." She Said as she left "I better go to see you tomorrow." Zee Said she leaves. "See you guys later." I said "what a day." I thought to myself "I wish that day would've turn out different but I guess it couldn't be helped." I Said to myself as I sat down. "At least I will be asking Barbara to Otto labs soon to witness the unveiling of the fusion project that Dr. Otto will show. I better invite her to the event soon or else I might miss my chance. At least I have plenty of time to do that." I thought to myself as I got up to head back home.
Somewhere in the U.S.
"Last night it was revealed that the spider man that was robbing the places of Metropolis was a imposter and spider man is still known as a hero in Metropolis." A news reporter said on the tv which was soon turned off. "Hmmm. Spider-Man. A worthy target for me to be the greatest hunter in the world. Watch out Spider-Man because you are now being hunted by the greatest hunter there is." A man Said as he gather his things to use on Spider-Man.

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