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Murray and Alexei rushed you inside the hospital to the confused receptionist.

She took you to a room as nurses rushed inside and started doing test while someone stuffed something inside of your wound.

Alexei was waiting outside looking at the door before looking at Murray wanting to talk.

"Что с ней происходит?" Alexei asked (Whats wrong with her?")

"Не знаю, но у меня такое чувство, что это как-то связано с ее снами." (I don't know but i have a feeling it has something to do with her dreams.)

Murray called over some of your friends and some people he knew.

Murray was biting his nails but Alexei was standing up near the chairs waiting for you to come out to watch Loony Tunes with him.

Alexei let out a sigh looking down but he would not sit because he had to be ready for when you came out of the room.

Murray turned to Alexei to say to sit down but he saw the determination in Alexei's eyes.

Meanwhile you were being practically ripped open and put back together again the pain was horrible.

You were stitched up and told to stay and rest.

All you wanted to do was to see your friend Murray and your Loony Tune loving Russian.

You watched the door open to reveal the people you needed there.

Alexei engulfed you in a hug and you hugged back solely because for no exact reason you had grown attached to him.

Murray was just looking at you smiling but they were told to leave because you had more visitors more specifically a girl that looked quiet familiar, she had short brown hair and a bleeding nose.

Word count: 267

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