Chapter 1

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I blinked open my eyes, am I dead? I look around, I ended up landing in a bed of golden flowers which glimmered in the light.
Wait the light. I look up to see light coming down from the cave above.
"So they didn't follow me down here?" I questioned, but for some reason I didn't feel happy about it. "Hey brother! You see-" I look over to see the spot empty.
Oh right... that's why. He's not here. I shook my head, "No, I have to be free. For the both of us."
I stood up, but as I put weight on my right leg I collapsed. Pain surging through my shoulder. I turn my head to look at it, my black and white fur along the leg was drenched in blood. Looks like I can't climb out of here even if I wanted to.
     I forced myself to stand, keeping my injured leg up. I stumbled forward, trying my best not put any weight on my right leg.
    I walked through the cavern, noticing another flowerbed ahead, but this one was slightly smaller than the one I left.
    I buttercup with reared petals and a face was there, seeming to be waiting for someone, looking impatient. I wasn't freaked out about this, sure I've never seen a flower with a face before, but I've seen stranger.
    "Finally it took you long enough! Let's try not dying this time please." The flower said, glaring at me. Then his eyes softened, "Oh... sorry I thought you were someone else."
    I limped up to him, giving him a curious sniff. "Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to snap at you it was an accident!" He whimpered.
    I sat back on my hunches, reaching out with my good paw, hoping to calm him in some way by petting his petals. Don't worry I won't hurt you." I meowed.
     "Eep!" The flower disappeared under the ground before I could even touch him. I blinked a couple of times in surprise, I'm not that intimidating ... am I?
    I went back on all fours... or really threes now. I decided not to dwell here, instead I continued walking onward. I ended up walking through a sort of door way, with gigantic red pillars which seemed to be falling apart.
    The scent of flowers faded away as a new room opened up. I sat down for a break, curling my tail over my paws.
    I turned my head to check on my wound, it stopped bleeding my now, the blood now dried on my fur. I wanted to clean it off, but I don't have enough time. I doubt that talking flower was the only living thing down here.
     I wonder who he was waiting for, another flower? Maybe even a friend or someone to bring him some food. He did look a bit hungry.
    I kept thinking about the flower as I limbed through the ruins, hoping to keep my mind off of the events that played out yesterday.
    After awhile I entered a large room, with a stream running through it. I approached the stream, giving it a little sniff. I wrinkled my nose at the vile smell, this definitely isn't safe to drink. I back away from the stream and crossed over the bridge.
    A row of spikes blocked my way, I look over at the two levers. One of them had a yellow arrow pointing to it saying "this one!".
    "I'm going to guess it's this lever." I spoke, limping up to it. I stood on my hind legs, placing my good paw on the wall to keep me balanced. I hesitated, how am I going to do this?
    I took a glance at my right paw, then shook my head. "It'll be fine." I mumbled to myself, reaching out with my right paw.
    Immense pain flooded through my shoulder, I let out a hiss, retracting my paw back to me. The pain eased a little but didn't stop, I could feel my shoulder begin to pulse. My body pleading for me not to do it again... or really warning me. But I had no choice, my paw can't hold my upper weight much less keep me balance. I reached out quickly, ignoring the pain the best I can, grabbing hold of the lever pulling it down.
    The spikes retracted into the ground, I went back on all threes, keeping my injured paw in the air for a moment. Tears were streaming down my face, that hurt... a lot.
     I let the pain ease a bit, before continuing forward. I limped over the spikes, praying they won't pop up all of a sudden as I cross over them. This place is old and falling apart, anything could happen.
I made my way through the corridors, solving a few other puzzles. After the last puzzle, I came across one a bit more... dangerous. The entire bridge up ahead was covered with spikes.
    I groaned, "When will all these puzzles end! It's starting to get old." Don't get me wrong, I love puzzles and anything dealing with problem solving or riddles it's just that... these are super easy!
    I looked around for a lever, when I didn't see any I decided it was a maze. So it must have a sensor of some sorts then.
I held my tail over the middle spike, the spike shoots down. I took my tail away, the spikes shot back up. I then hovered my tail over to the one next to it, but it didn't go down.
    Looks like I'm right, I went back over to the spikes that lowered down. I put my tail over the spikes, and the spikes lowered. I step onto the platform. Hm... maybe this will be easier in my human form.
    I focused, closing my eyes and thinking of what I look like when I'm human... but as I opened my eyes, I still saw paws instead of hands.
    I let out sigh, "They must've done something in the last experiment." I simply shrugged it off, using my tail to retract the spikes. Again it was easy and I made it to the other side without a problem.
    I kept walking or really limping until I came face to face with a frog like creature. It glared at me, letting out a croak.
    I fluff  up my fur, letting out a hiss, baring my fangs. I'm not much of a fighter like my brother, but I sure know how to act intimidating.
    The frog seemed unsure of its self now, as if deciding whether to fight or flee. I took a step towards him, letting out a loud yowl.
    The frog got the message, hopping away quickly out of sight. I let out a sigh of relief, then kept limping onward.
    I completed a few more puzzles before coming to a dead tree and a small house. Someone lives here? Are they human?
    I approached the door, looking up at the knob. All of a sudden the door started to open, I hid behind the door, watching as a tall goat woman walk through. She had bright yellow eyes, white fur, long sharp horns with one being slightly chipped, and she was wearing black, white, and red robes.
    Her back was facing me, I took the chance and slipped into the house. The door shut behind me, causing me to jump. I turned around to see nothing but the door.
    I wondered through the house, looking around. There has to be another exit. I stumbled across some stares, leading downward.
    I walked down the stares carefully, but as carefully as I tried to be, I lost my footing and slipped. I tumbled down the stares, landing into the hard ground with a thump.
    I whimpered, pain was all I could feel as it spread from my right leg to my back. I stood up, my right leg touching the ground slightly causing me to wince.
    I hopped forward on three legs. I heard the door upstairs open and shut. I panicked, trying to hop faster.
    I then heard footsteps walking down the stairs, at that point I didn't care if I hurt myself further. I bolted on all fours, making my way through the halls. "Wait!" I heard a female voice call out.
    I didn't stop, I couldn't, my body was now out of my control. I skidded to a stop in front of two large red doors. I started to push it with my good side, trying to get it open.
    I was able to open it a tad, but then it wouldn't budge. "Here kitty kitty! I got some nice treats for you!" I heard the woman's voice call out. It sounded mother like but at the same time ... I could sense something wasn't right.
    A plan popped in my head, I stopped pushing on the door. I then ran to the darkest corner of the room, curled myself in a ball and stayed still.
    The goat woman came into view, looking around. She then noticed the door was open a tad. She opened it a little more to look out.
    I smirked, she fell for it, I didn't think it would work. I then realized, my expression dropping to a frown, that she was lonely. I didn't notice anyone else there or any signs of anyone else ever coming into the house.
    I let out a sigh, sorry lady but ... I have a mission to complete. I'm sure someone will come by and give you company. I stood up on all fours and bolted for the door. I ran right between her legs and out into the cold, crisp air.
    My paws hitting cold snow, the wind sending a shiver down my spine, I could even see my breath as I run.
    I heard her call out after me, but I ignore her cries. Instead I kept running through the forest, until my paw caught onto a large stick. I tumbled down to the ground with a groan. The pain in my shoulder has increased to such an amount that I couldn't even try to get up anymore.
    Tears pricked my eyes, I can't take it! It hurts! It hurts to much. I heard someone approaching from ahead, I look up to see a blurry white, red, and black figure.
    'She found me.' Was my last thought before everything went dark.
??? POV
     I groomed my black fur and golden striped pelt as the guards returned to the room. "We couldn't find her sir." Said one, catching my attention.
    'So... she made it out?' I couldn't help but smile. 'That moron.'
    The man in the chair behind me let out a frustrated groan. "Your telling me that we just lost the most expensive experiment here!?"
    "Yes sir." The guard answered.
    "Keep looking, there is no way she could have just... disappeared. You shot her right?" The old man questioned.
    "Yes sir."
    "Then she couldn't have gone far! No keep searching!" He growled.
    He then turned to me, glaring, "Are you happy now!? We lost our best chance on becoming normal!"
    'Oh I'm happy.' I thought, keeping the smile on my face.
    He scoffed, walking out of the office. "I'll make sure you never touch my children, ever again." I growled, a look of determination glimmering in my eyes. "One down, five more to go."

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