Chapter 02

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Jinyoung was forced to go to the library to take some books for his class. That annoying teacher, Mr Junho forced him to go because he was late 5 minutes to his class. It's just 5 minutes! It's not like he never been late for the class before. Jinyoung walked along the corridor to his class but stopped when he heard someone shouting.


Jinyoung quickly walked to the last class of the block because he was sure the voice that he heard just now was from that class.

There, he saw a girl stood in front of the class. Her classmates murmured like bees but they stopped talking when they saw him out of their class. Then, the girl slowly looked outside too.

Jinyoung could see her eyes became bigger as she looked him into his eyes. She quickly rushed to her sit and hid her face with her bag.

He stared at her for a moment but suddenly he could hear Mr Junho's voice. Jinyoung looked up and saw him at the third floor.

"Hurry up! What are you doing there? Are you trying to waste my time?!"

Aish, that old man. He looked at the girl again before going up to the class.


"Hey Jinyoung. Throw me that ball" Jaebum shouted. Jinyoung picked up the ball and throw at him. He started to play basketball with his other friends. Youngjae, Mark, Bambam and Yugyeom.

"Hey maknae. Who's that girl?" Jinyoung asked Yugyeom.

They stopped playing when they heard Jinyoung

"What do you mean girl hyung?" Bambam asked. Jinyoung ignored him and stared at Yugyeom's face. Mark threw the ball and rushed to Jinyoung. Others followed him.

"Girl? Who is she? Your girlfriend? You finally found a girlfriend?" Bambam asked again.

Jinyoung hack his head. "I don't know her that's why I ask Yugyeom" Bambam pouted, making Jinyoung grimaced.

"She is my classmate. Her name is Kim Jisoo, hyung".

"Why did you ask? Something happened?" Mark asked.

"Yeah. Earlier, my class teacher told us to introduce ourself. Then her bestfriend ask Jisoo noona who is her favourite senior. She shouted Jinyoung hyung's name but hyung was outside of our class so he heard" Yugyeom told them the whole story.

After that, all of them were laughing.

"That's funny! What a brave girl to shout like that" Jaebum continued his laughing.

"I want to meet her" Mark said that.

"Yeah, me too. I wonder how she look" Bambam agreed to Mark

They continued talking about this Kim Jisoo, even it was only Yugyeom who knew her because they were classmates.

Jinyoung really thought that he knew her.


His pyhsic class was over. Jinyoung quickly gathered his books. Some students have already waiting out of the lab for their next class.

"So handsome" the voice was so slow but Jinyoung could hear that. He looked for the source of the voice outside of the lab.

There's a girl, she had long hair with an innocent face. She looked straight to Jinyoung eyes. When she realise that Jinyoung was looking at her, she quickly hid herself behind her friends.


Jinyoung was sure it was her. He breathed slowly as he remembered what happened this morning. Jinyoung looked up to the rooftop. Usually he would sleep there during break but the boys didn't let him.

He saw someone sitting up there. The wind blew her hair. She slowly eating her food as she stared down towards where was him

It was her, Kim Jisoo.

-- TBC --
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