Chapter 1

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You're on your skateboard it was the middle of the night you picking up food from your favorite restaurant when you were looking at a picture of your old Bakugan partner Elfin you had a crush on her because how adorable she was outside for Bakugan form and you had become the number one Aquas battler when you look in front of you in a portal opens and you're sucked through

AHHHHH you yelled as you land back on the ground and you look around

So this is new vestroia you said as you heard yelling and you see a bunch of Bakugan being lifted up and too familiar voices you heard

HELP US angelo yelled

SAVE US DAMN IT diablo yelled

HELP ME PLEASE elfin yelled

ELFIN you yell that you raced over on your skateboard you threw the food out the bag and used it to catch her Angelo Diablo and 30 other Aquos Bakugan as the rest were taken up in the ship all the Bakugan got out and do the shock surprise of Elfin Angelo and Diablo they see you

(Y/n) it's good to see you old friend Angelo said as he flipped revealing Diablo

Yes it's good to see a familiar face i owe you one Diablo said

(Y/...(Y/n) is it really you I'm not going crazy elephants edge as you revealed to her your signature smile to her which she recognized all too well

Hello again Elfin Angela Diablo it's good to see you guys now can you tell me what's going on you said

they tell you about the vex of the croup of people who work for the vessels are extremely powerful and the day captured the other backbone praus Gorem tigerra skyress and hydranoid

I'm sorry i wasn't there to help let's see what i can do to help you guys and we can save our friends you said

Excuse me we would like to help Miss cell phone has told us many stories of you and the other Bakugan valve rollers and how your ass killed Aquos Bakugan broiler allow us to fight by your side the Aquos back gun said bowing its head as well as the other

Alright then let's go you said that's a Bakugan went to your backpack which you kept with you and then you snuck into a ventilation shaft of one of the cities of the Vestals

went inside you find an outfit in a closet the shirt had the symbol the Aquos Bakugan you put it on and decide to take the gauntlet I was there since elephant told you we was for battling and then you leave the city and want you get to where you were before your confronted by a women

Your a Bakugan battle brawler from earth am mylene a member of the vet so I'm here to tell you stay out of our way Marlene said

Never i stand by the Bakugan if you want to hurt my friends you have to go through me you said

You both begin a battle which was easily one by yourself Angelo Diablo and Elfin she runs away and drops a bakugan but not a ball form

We forgot to mention to you some background of vexos use our trap Aqueon this is tripod Theta angelo said

Hold it who are you a woman said what you guys there as one of them with the headband start looking at you happy and shaking your hand

Mira this is (Y/n) (L/n) he's the strongest Aquos Bakugan brawler of Earth he said

Who are you people and if you're with the vexos you're my enemy you said reading your gauntlet

I'm your clay i lead the Bakugan Battle Brawlers resistance we fight for the Bakugan bear here was trained under your friend tigrerra Mira said surprising you

But took you back to their base and explained everything

Well then Mira i would like to help you the Bakugan and i fought together me and Elfin are strong team not to mention with Angelo San Diablo's and my new trap bakugan i can help you in any way i can that if you allow me to you said offering your hand to her as she shakes it and you join with her

Time skip

Iverson time your scanner show a problem with the dimensions everyone looks at and then you smile and start jumping around laughing

Mirror go on your bike and go to these coordinates we might have just gotten back up I've seen these readings once before the pyrus Dragonoid the Dan kuso once wielded his back and most likely brought back up the other Brawlers from Earth you said surprising them as Mira left and after an hour and she returned

Dan kuso I was wondering when I see you again you said surprising Dan and she walks up to you and you both shake hands

Marucho angelo said

It's good to see your boss Diablo said

Angelo Diablo it's good to see you both as Angelo flies over to Marucho show and goes on his shoulder

(Y/n) how did you get here Drago asked

I was riding my skateboard home when a portal opens when i wasn't looking and I'll add to the new vestroia and saved Elfin if you are the Bakugan what you're living near a waterfall not too far from here safe you said

Ace challenges Dan and they both ended in a draw then they get the new outfits and then you start talking about everything you've missed

So Dan Drago how is Runo been you said as you see Dan shiver

She has no idea you here. She yeah you can't leave new vestroia otherwise she's going to kill you you said laughing

It's good to see you again Drago Angelo said

It's good to see you too Angelo Diablo do you know what happened to preyas Drago asked

When the vestals first came he saved me and Elfin from being taken but was taken in the process we don't know what happened to him angelo said

You look at marucho who's almost in tears Furious you punched the wall

Marucho don't cry i swear in the name of my parents I'm going to take the vexos down you said and walk away

I've never seen him like this not since his parents passed away Dan said

His parents passed away he never mentioned Earth too much only that you missed his friends what happened Ace asked

He and i grew up together alone with runo we were inseparable but then his parents died when he was 7 and he moved in with my parents and me he's like my brother but then he got Elfin as a partner and ever since then they've been inseparable Dan said

He never talked about his family Baron said

Thank you for looking after him Dan said

The Bakugan Battle Brawlers resistance is like family he's been able to help us for a while now before you came here he was one of our best Brawlers Evenflo up against the strongest Subterra battler Gus Mira said

You're in your room looking at a picture of you and your the Brawler's when Elfin jumps on your shoulder

Elfin promise me you won't leave me I've lost my parents i can't lose anyone else you said on the verge of tears

I promise Elfin said

You fell asleep in bed with Elfin next to you and she was blushing looking at you asleep

I wish i was human so that way i could hold you and never let go and maybe then i could tell you how i feel Elfin said going into ball form

Authur Note: I figured this would be a good idea doing Elfin X human reader story i hope you all enjoy

Bakugan Elfin x Male Human Reader Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ