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Julian was having a nice hot cup of extra sweet Tarkalean tea when he felt like he was being watched by someone. The young man could tell that someone was behind him. Julian looked behind him and saw a tall cardassian man staring down on him with a small smile on his pale face. His round face seemed human yet was that of a reptile's. He had scales all over, a spoon shapped one on his forehead, thick black hair, a few small horns on his hairline, and he had blue gigantic reptilian eyes that seemed to glow.

"It's Dr. Bashir, isn't it?" The man asked.

His voice was entense but smooth and had seemed almost as though he was trying to contain himself. Julian couldn't help but stare at the man's elegant features. But after a few minutes he realized that he was staring at the man like a child seeing a magnificent animal at the zoo. Although the cardassian man didn't seem to mind at all, infact he seemed to enjoy it a little bit. Julian wasn't sure what to do so he just nodded yes.

"Of course it is." The man said. "May I introduced myself?"

"Uh yes, yes of course!" Julian replied nervously.

For some reason he felt like he was under some kind of trance that the beautiful yet possibly dangerous creature that has approached him and Julian struggled to think straight. He felt like he was falling in love, which was possible since Julian was bisexual. But this handsome Cardassian man was most likely straight.

"My name is Garak." The man said. "A Cardassian by birth ,obviously."

Julian took a minute to glance at the man's clothes, they looked a lot like a watermelon. He wondered if this Garak was aware that his clothes reassembled a famous Terran fruit. Either way the outfit did look a little ridiculous but Julian could see himself wearing it if it was his size.

"The last one of us left on this station as a matter of fact, so I do appreciate making new friends whenever I can." Garak said as he sat down across from Julian.

He wondered if sitting down in a chair that wasn't designed for species who posses tails was uncomfortable. Julian could see how having a tail could make sitting down in certain chairs a literal pain in the ass or rather the tail, not to mention the possibility of someone accidentally stepping on his tail while in public. Although from how large and brightly colored Garak's tail was it would be near impossible accidentally step on his tail unless of course they had stepped on it on purpose. But Julian had seen cardassians before and they didn't have tails. He found himself staring at the Garak's long colorful tail.

"You're wondering why unlike my fellow cardassians I have a tail aren't you?" Garak asked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." Julian answered.

"Oh no, it's quite alright. I have gotten used to being asked questions and people being about my tail. To be honest I would prefer most people to have had the same reaction that you have just had than how some people have reacted." Garak said.

"How exactly did other people react?" Julian asked.

"Well most humans assume that it's a normal trait, the few Klingons I've met somehow didn't even notice, and my fellow cardassians seemed to be concerned that I would go berserk like a Flayer at any second." Garak answered.

"I would have thought that they would be more used to seeing another cardassian with a tail, I'm not sure how cardassian society fells about those who have rare genetic traits but I'm guessing that they didn't react well." Julian said.

"You are correct, thankfully my parents were some of the few people who didn't fear me for being different." Garak replied.

"Well I don't think you'll have to worry about me treating you like an animal, and I rather think that your tail is very lovely." Julian said, blushing a little.

Garak seemed a little surprised by what he said. Julian wondered if he had talked about his tail to anyone else. Then a table that was behind him was suddenly knocked over, possibly by his long tail. The sound of the table being knocked over was quite loud so it had gotten a lot of attention from everyone there and the Bajorans did not seem very happy about the mess. Garak seemed to be a little bit embarrassed about it and Julian was too. Both men got up and began cleaning up the mess with quite a few Bajorans glaring at them. One of them had even accused Garak of knocking the table down on purpose. Julian couldn't really blame them for being suspicious about the cardassian man who could possibly be a spy but still they did seem to over react about the table being knocked over, especially since it was an accident.

Julian was cleaning up the glass and had accidentally cut himself on one of the sharp pieces. Garak gave him a napkin to use to clean up the blood while he picked up the glass. The cuts on his fingers weren't that serious but Julian was bleeding quite a bit. He wrapped the napkin around his bleeding fingers and whipped the blood away. Julian had managed to stop the bleeding for now but the napkin was now soaked in his own blood. Garak had asked if he was alright and if it was normal for him to be bleeding this much blood from just a few cuts. Julian told him that he was alright and that the bleeding was normal.

After the mess was cleaned up Julian said goodbye to Garak and told him that he would be in the Infermery.

"Well, I do hope those scratches heal fast." Garak said.

Then he put his hands on Julian's shoulders from behind and gently stroked the fabric of his uniform.

"I'm quite glad that I have made such an interesting new friend today." Garak said as his nails gently brushed against his neck and he left with Julian blushing bright red and bleeding.

He went to the Infermery to heal the scratches and he couldn't stop thinking about the Cardassian man that he had just met on the Promenade. Garak seemed different from the other Cardassians that Julian had met before. His attitude towards other species was one but he had noticed that his nails were darker than other Cardassians and he actually thought that he saw chest hair. But Julian had never been that close to a Cardassian before and hadn't studied their biology at all. Not by choice of course since there aren't any records of Cardassian biology. Garak did also seem to be kind of cute and a little sweet to him but he was most likely to be straight. Julian wondered if he would find himself someone to love on this station. He could see himself in a romantic relationship with someone but he needs to find out who that person is if he wants to have this relationship.

Julian found himself daydreaming of Garak on his bed wearing nothing but a silk thong with a thin robe. He blushed at the thought of the Cardassian man in a thong. Julian pushed the idea aside since they had just met, Garak was probably straight or homophobic, and if he finds out about his secret he could loose his career.

However he still fantasized being so close to the Cardassian man and found himself wanting to kiss him.

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