The group was lead into M'Baku throne room, the say him sitting down looking every bit of a leader that he is, Fauna will admit his place was nice and a lot more high tech then she thought. The Jabari men stomp their spears to the ground causing everyone to jump and look back at them, Fauna and Ross looked to another and sigh as Ramonda step forward to M'Baku, "My son, was murdered in ritual combat." Ramonda said with tears coming down her face. "Were the odds fair?" M'Baku asked with a confuse look, "Yes but-" Fauna begin, "So it was less a murder than a defeat." M'Baku interrupted, "Don't rub our noses-" Shuri began only to be cut off by the Gorilla king, "Slience!" M'Baku commanded, Fauna smiled at Shuri in comfort, "I make the pronouncements here girl." M'Baku said in warning. Fauna was beginning to see Shuri wasn't M'Baku favorite person, Ross thought it was a good idea to try his luck, "Look, uh, You Highness, the new King is a U.S." Ross begin when M'Baku started to chant, soon his men joined when Ross was starting up again. Fauna rub his arm telling him silently to just stop but thanks for trying, "You, cannot talk one more word! Or i'll feed you to my children." M'Baku threaten Ross, Fauna clenched her teeth, if she had to kill M'Baku she was sure she will find a way, everyone was silent looking at the caniblal King, "I'm just kidding we are vegetarians." M'Baku then began to giggle like a school boy. 

Fauna rolled her eyes at the King, but feeling relief that he was only joking only right now her mind wasn't in a joking mood. "Great Gorilla, M'Baku." Fauna said stepping forward standing in front of the King with her head held high, M'Baku stared at the woman giving her all his attention. Fauna gave a small smile then bowed to his feet, showing him the Heart-Shaped Herb, "This is why we are here." Fauna said looking at him in the eyes, M'Baku looked down at the Herb then at the group, the rest of Fauna rag-tag group kneeled down with her showing that they truly do need his help and that Wakanda was in danger of falling. "An outsider sits on the throne, only you can help us stop him." Fauna said as her voice cracked staring at the Gorilla King in desperation. M'Baku stared at her as he stood up from his throne, he then looked at the remaining Royal family, "Come with me." M'Baku commanded softly walking pass Ross, purposely bumping into him, Fauna looked after him then at Ramonda and Shuri.

The group followed M'Baku just down the mountain where his healers were located, Fauna gasp in surprise along with the rest of the group, "Impossible!" Fauna said quietly as she, Shuri and Ramonda kneeled down to T'Challa body. Fauna rub his cold arm with her hand to her mouth, "Is he breathing?" Fauna asked looked towards M'Baku, "He's in a coma. Barely clinging to life. Once of our fisherman found him at the edge of the river border. He brought him to me." M'Baku explained to her with a small smile, "Why do you have him in the snow?" Shuri asked with hast, "It's the only thing keeping him from joining the ancestors." M'Baku said with annoyance. "We need to take him to my lab. I can heal him there." Shuri said to Fauna, Fauna was about to agree until M'Baku checked them, "Take him and he will be dead in seconds." Ramonda sigh knowing this will have to do, "Fauna, hand me the herb." Ramonda said. Fauna gave her the herb, she brought her attention to T'Challa as she rub his arm scared to remove the snow off of him, Fauna had tears coming down her face for the first time since the battle. She quickly wipe her tears as Shuri grab her hand in comfort and a smile, "It's ok, he's going to be ok." Shuri said bring the girl close to her, as Ramonda got everything she needed to give her son the herb. "I call upon the ancestor." Ramonda stared, "I call upon Bast. I am here with my son, T'Challa." M'Baku turned around to give them privatcy, Ross looked to him seeing M'Baku glaring at him to turn around. Fauna thought since she wasn't part of their nation that she should join M'Baku and Ross, as she was going to stand, Shuri grabbed her pulling her back down locking her arms with hers keeping her with them. Fauna closed her eyes along with Shuri and Ramonda as she gave T'Challa the herb and finished burying him in the snow. "Praise the Ancestor." The ladies was chanting, "Wake up T'Challa." Fauna whispered to her love hoping they weren't to late.

Soon enough T'Challa jumped out the snow gasping for air, making everyone around him cheer with excitement. Ramonda and Shuri hugged him tightly while crying, pulling away the family gave room for Fauna to show her love, she hugged T'Challa tightly as he too hugged her, "Hello beautiful." T'Challa said as he felt her tears, the pulled away showing Fauna smiling face, "Hi handsome." Fauna said as she wipe her tears away, T'Challa begin to shiver looking around him, "Do you have a blanket?" T'Challa asked his sister with a teasing smile, Shuri giggled in delight handing him hers. Fauna stood up along with the rest of the group, she turned to M'Baku smiling at him in delight she took his hand gently, "Thank you." Fauna said quietly, M'Baku smiled at her waving her off, "It was nothing." M'Baku said walking away telling his men to let them rest for the night. After a good meal and getting warmed up, the group filled T'Challa in on what has happened since his not so defeat, Fauna sat next to him rubbing his hand as their fingers were interlocked. She leaned her head on his shoulder as she was finally able to just be in her emotions, tears haven't stop falling down her face since he woke up, T'Challa would kiss them and wipe them as the fell reassuring her that he was ok. Fauna tried to stop them but they were just to stubborn to stop. Ramonda pulled T'Challa aside at some point telling him all that Fauna has done for her and Shuri, making sure they were safe right after Erik tossed him over the falls. T'Challa couldn't be more proud to have Fauna at his side, she protected his family, got them out of harms way. She even brought them here in hopes to save Wakanda from Erik, this woman have showed time and time again why T'Challa love her and why he couldn't wait to have her at his side for life.

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