Chapter 1- Alone

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Lily was sitting on her bed at the orphanage. She was seventeen, and her birthday was next week. She would be free of this place in a week. She didn't want to leave because she didn't like it here, she wanted to leave because then she couldn't hurt anybody if she wasn't here.

Checking to see the room was clear, she lightly snapped her fingers, let small beads of flame dance over her palm. It didn't hurt her. But it hurt everyone else. She snuffed out the flames in caution, and it was a good thing she did, because Amber walked in after the flames had been snuffed.

"So? You excited for your birthday next week?" Amber asked excitedly. Amber was my best friend, and she had turned eighteen a few months ago but stayed with me. We would be leaving together on my birthday.

"Who wouldn't?"Lily shot back to her incredulously. Amber giggled and started tickling me.

"Not fair!!" Lily exclaimed and started tickling her too. It was mostly to get her to stop. If her emotions got out of control, she could start a fire. Soon, both girls were on the floor laughing.

"Amber! Lily! It's time for the foster program event!" The two girls shared a look. Who would foster a seventeen and eighteen year old? Never the less, they got up and jogged to the field. The foster program event that the manager had been talking about was where everyone could come and meet the orphan kids and think about fostering, or even adopting.

The two came out on the field and joined the other teenagers. No one paid attention to them, and they had gave up being fostered or adopted long ago. Today was different, however. One by one, the teenagers were taken away to actually talk to people. Even Amber. When they came back for Lily, commotion broke out on the other side of the field.

"Wait there," they told her, and rushed off. They never returned. That's fine with Lily. If she didn't talk to anybody, then they wouldn't foster or adopt.

"Who wants a freak in their family anyways." She muttered to herself. Soon the program ended and Amber raced back to Lily.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't want to leave you!" She kept apologizing.

"Forget it, okay? It's cool." Lily assured her.

Amber gave her a hug and they walked back into the orphanage, heading to their bunk bed. It wasn't much, but it was something. They changed into their pajamas and crawled into their bunk bed.

.-=Time skip to Morning=-.

Amber shook Lily awake. "Sleepyhead, it's time to wake up." Lily moaned and rolled out of bed.


After she changed, the duo started walking down to breakfast, when the fire alarms started blaring.

The orphanage was on fire.

Sharing a look, the pair raced toward the entrance, but were blocked by flames burning across their path. Lily knew she could make it, but what about Amber? They raced back the other way but were blocked again.

They were trapped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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