Chapter One

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Silent. In the trees. Because that's all I can be. If I make any noise, I'll give away my position. Okay, breathe Rox. You know how to defeat him. 

Struggling to keep his breathing calm, Rox Winchester thought through the plan his dad gave him. 

Set the trap. Light the fuse. Run.

Looking around cautiously, the young hunter crouches low on the leafy ground. He silently removes the bag from his shoulders and unzips it as slowly as he can, keeping an eye on the wavering trees.

Why do we always have zippered bags?

As the bag opens, a box of matches tumbles out. The sound of cardboard hitting dead leaves reverberates throughout the silent forest. 

Fuck. I should have packed better.

Glancing around again, Rox sets up the trap as quickly and quietly as he can.

Hopefully this works.

Grabbing the matches, Rox strikes one against the starter and holds it next to the fuse. As the fuse catches, he grabs his bag and starts to run. But a faint voice traps him in a daze and he falls to the ground, a dense white fog clouding his eyes. 

Stay with me, no. You don't need to run.

"Why would you run, my sweet child?" a voice hissed in his ear.

"There's no reason to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." Cold hands slithered along his neck from behind and gripped him in a choke-hold.

"N-nic-co." Rox manages to stutter out.

The bishop grips him tighter, almost breaking the hunter's neck with his dead hands.

"Don't call me that." Nico growled. "My name is Nicolas Bourbaki." Nicolas yells and throws Rox to the ground.

Gasping and clutching his neck, Rox looks around only to find that the bishop had disappeared. 

Where did he go?

He tries to get up, but it feels like his legs are non-existent. Rox continues making feeble attempts to push himself up into a sitting position, but stops when his ears pick up the sound of a fuse.

SHIT. The trap!

The young man looks back to see the fuse reach the end of its trail.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. 

He starts dragging himself forward as fast as he can. 

Come on legs. What the fuck is wrong with you?

"DAD!" As his call echoes through the forest, he hears the fuse stop.

I'm sorry...

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Rox. Rox, wake up." A gruff male voice brings the young man back to reality. He opens his gold-flecked blue eyes to see a hospital room.

"Dad." he whispers, his throat dry and aching. He tries to sit up but his dad places a calloused hand on his shoulder and pushes him back against the bed.

"It's okay son. You're alive. Hurt. But alive. I heard your call, but me and Sammy couldn't get to you before the...explosion."

Rox closes his eyes as flashbacks of the shadowed forest and blinding light flit across his eyelids.

"How am I alive?" he asked his father, looking up at his freckled face and bright green eyes. His father, Dean Winchester, sighed and patted his shoulder, turning away.

"I have no idea. How did you get Nico to leave you alive?" Dean questioned, turning back to his son.

"I'm not sure. He had grabbed me around the neck. I managed to say his name, Nico. All the sudden his grip tightened then he dropped me and disappeared." Rox remembered the way his body felt after being thrown down. Numb. Like it wasn't there.

"Did he say anything?" By now his father was pacing in front of his hospital bed, worry etched into the lines on his face.

Rox struggled to remember through the panic settling in when he realized he still couldn't feel his legs.

"H-he said not t-to call him that. To call h-him Nicolas." He gasped out, his throat closing and black enveloping his vision.


* * * * * * * * * * *


A cool breeze flows across Rox's face. He stirs, unwilling to break the peace he felt by opening his eyes.

Where am I? he ponders.


Whose calling me? he questions.

"You're in my home. My forest, sweet child."


Rox snaps his eyes open to see a tall, dark forest.

"I thought I told you not to call me that." The bishop hissed in his ears.

He jumped up and looked around, panicked.

"Where are you?" He yelled into the air.

"Show yourself, you asshole!"

"Ah, but where would be the fun in that?"

Rox whipped his head around in the direction of the voice.

How does he sound so close?

"Because I'm right next to you, sweet child."


"Why do you keep calling my name?"

Nico appeared suddenly, a manic smile showing his shark-like teeth.

"I'm not calling you." he says, a forked tongue flitting out.

Then who?


"Fuck, what the fuck happened?" the hunter says, springing up in his hospital bed.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can't breathe. I can't BREATHE.

"Rox, Rox! Calm down. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Come on now." his father said, gripping his shoulders.

"Dad......Nicolas, he."

"It's okay, son you can explain later." His dad walks over to a machine and presses a button. After a few minutes, the pain in Rox's body fades and his heartbeat slows.

"This is a morphine drip." he says, placing the button in his hand. "Use this when the pain is too much to bear." Dean's hand lingered on his son's for a minute before he sighs and walks out of the room, looking at Sam with a sad glance. 

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