Kion is growing up

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Duma POV
"Adolfo have you seen Kion".
"No is he not back from his hunt or whatever"
"Ugh no come on let's go find him".
It has been a few months since Kion has been with us. His name mohawk thing has grown longer and he has gotten taller. His voice has deepened a bit. Amazing how much has mature in so little time. But with physical changes comes mental changes. Now he wants to push mine and Adolfo's buttons.
"Kion where are you" we shouted.
We saw him in standing on the cliff looking down at the prides. We had recently be wandering around the desert and got lost recently we ran into the pridelands.
"Kion I thought I told you to stay by the trees back there you don't want to get lost out here again".
Kion didn't respond.
"Kion did yo.."
Adolfo placed his hand on my shoulder and pointed to what he was looking at. At a giant rock monument below a bunch of lions, a cheetah, a hippo, a egret, and a badger. Those must be his family and friends but I thought they were dead.
"Kion I thought you said they were dead".
"I thought so but apparently I have been tricked".
"Well kid are you going down there" said Adolfo.
"Nah I think I will stay with you guys".
"What" we both said.
"I hurt one of my best friends and I couldn't protect them then they deserve better and besides living with you guys
I can relax and be normal".
"Alright then let's get back to the oasis since we know where we are".
"Wait I would like to apologize to you guys first, I have been acting rude to you guys and I am sorry can you forgive" Kion said with sadness.
"Sure kid it is just a growing thing that happens in your teens don't worry about it" We walked in a random direction that eventually lead us to the oasis a few days later.

A few days later
"Admit it Duma you can't beat me at anything" said Kion.
"He is right Duma he beat you at racing, swimming, climbing, and eating".
"Fine Kion you are better than me".
"Hey Adolfo how you and me compete".
"Sure but we do things I do"
"Alright first off swinging".
"Swinging from vines".
"Uh okay" said Kio nervous. They both climbed up. Adolfo grabbed the vine and swung to the next tree. Kion grabbed and fell to the ground below and landed on me.
"Kion are you okay" called Adolfo.
"Yeah I am fine".
"Kid can you get off my spine please".
He looked at me and jumped off me.
"Duma I am so sorry" has lifted me up with his teeth
"Don't fret kid I'm okay let's just go back to our cave and go to sleep". I walked back. I could Adolfo and Kion talking.
"Adolfo is he mad at me".
"Don't worry kid he will go back to the cave, eat a snake, fall asleep, and be good in the morning now come let's go".

About a year later
Kion is now much larger. His mohawk now rest on his back. Short red fur is growing on his chest and elbows. He is way taller but usually lions are stocky and bulky but he his slim not a bag of bones but he is skinny. His voice is still the same.
"Good morning kid, you know you have grown quite alot".
"Yeah I guess" he said with a bit of depression.
"What's wrong".
"I don't have a mane Duma" he said.
"Really a noble lion like yourself is worried about his mane, plenty of lions don't have manes and you have that bunch on your head".
"But maneless lions are considered weak".
"Kid you do have a mane like I said it's your bunch on top".
"Well I guess you are right, Duma is that gray in your fur".
"WHAT" I paniced frantically spinning around.
Kion laughed.
"Oh ha ha very funny kid". Kion's name never grew besides his head mane but it only went to his back. I hadn't realized Kion had scars but they were a lit visible. Over the next while he only grew taller peeking at average lion hieght. His childish side went away and he became an adult lion. The times sure did fly by.

Lion King: The Journey Of Kion And KopaWhere stories live. Discover now