Chapter Five

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Morning came like I bitch slap to the face but so did the sudden realization of warmth around your body. Your face flushed a deep red as you felt arms tighten around your waist.

Cuddling with Shigaraki turned into spooning, how great could your life be. Honestly though, you kinda enjoyed it...something about the way he held you and the warmth of his body made you comfier.

Your thoughts about it were soon interrupted when Shigaraki let out a low groan, signaling he was finally awake.

"Nice of you to join the party, Shigy."

He growled and got up, "Shimura...." He mumbled it so it was barely audible.

"What was that?"

"Shimura Tenko, that's my real get ready for school."

You smiled brightly and nodded before throwing yourself out of the bed, quickly getting ready.


You walked out in your cat form, your tail flicking as you started towards U.A. You were so light on your paws today that you got there early, earlier than Tenya. You purred, happily proud of yourself, though the problem was that you made it a little to earlier so you decided to talk to Tenko since no else was around. You pulled your phone out and called him as you took a seat in front of the door.

One ring....

Two rings....

"What do you want Y/n?"

"Tenko!" You whined, "I got here to early and no one's here."

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Talk to me!" You purred happily.


"Yay! Now how about this, what's your favorite candy?" You questioned, rolling over onto your back.

"Uhhh....Sours...what about you?"

You perked up, that was new of him to ask. You smiled at the thought though, "Swedish fish." (If you get it, just know, I'm not sorry.)

"Okay, what about some talents?"

"I can cook pretty well!" You purred happily.

"Well then maybe someday you should cook for us and then I can judge you on that."

"Look at Mr. High and Mighty, you can't even make mac n' cheese without screwing up."

"Hey, it's not my fault!"

"You somehow set water on fire Tenko, fire!"

You heard laughter from the other side of the phone and smiled, that was Tenko's laughter, you made him laugh. Your cheeks got hot at the thought of it, the fact you probably made him smile and that he was laughing made your heart race. You were honestly at a loss for words at how happy he sounded.

Soon his laughter died down and you smiled, rolling back on to your stomach. The two of you continued to talk until the sound of footsteps caught you off.

"I gotta go Tenko, bye bye!" You smiled.


With that you were soon faced by Aizawa and Principal Nezu.

"Y/n! What are you doing here so early?" Nezu sounded surprised.

"Oh, I kinda woke up a bit early and just decided to come here by running." You smiled.

Aizawa gave an almost impressive look as you purred softly.

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