OS: Nightmare

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The separation was his idea, but even so, he consumed with sadness. She spent years trying to fix their marriage. She wanted affection, she needed to feel loved.

She had cried herself to sleep nearly every night. She tried talking; telling him what she was feeling until he was tired of hearing her. He eventually stopped listening; now they hardly talk at all. She felt like he stopped loving her years ago. But she also knew he was tensed over something but wheneever she tried to ask him he told her "It's nothing". It's felt like she was losing her husband and her best friend.

A few months ago, she hit her breaking point. She lost her Babu ji. Who was everything for her. She knew she couldn't bear that pain, she saw her life with perfect clarity. She had become miserable. No longer being worthy of her own husband's affection, losing her own self-worth.

Months passed but still she kept the distance between her. She was still confused why he was doing that to her? Why wasn't he there for her when her Babu ji died? Why he kept coming late at night in the house and leaving before she even got up? Why he lied to her that he was going somewhere for his meeting but when she contacted Aman he told her either Arnav wasn't didn't came to the office or there was no meeting today?

But one day when he almost raised his hand on her, like a switch, she quit caring what he thought of her or whether or not he loved her. She needed to learn to love herself.

She have been focusing more on him, finding his happiness but nothing worked out the way she wanted. But now she was going to care about her happiness and to do that, she needed to emotionally separate from him. They still live under the same roof, took care of the princess "Arushi". Both of them didn't want their relationship to effect on their child but slowly no one could help it. It was affecting their 3 years old daughter. After another month it was enough for Khushi. She decided to talk to him about their separation when he comes back from his office today.

They talked about divorce, or taking time apart in hopes of falling in love again. Up until now, he's just been stubborn. He won't leave, not even for a weekend. He said he doesn't want to divorce but at the same time won't put any energy into the relationship either. This was making Khushi even angrier. Why? Why? But never got any answer from him. He just told her he needed more time. But how long or how much time could she give him? Their daughter was growing and she could since the different between her parents. She knew they were not normal. In fact the day he raised his hand on Khushi Arushi even saw it but still didn't say anything to her parents. She ran to her room and started crying. When Khushi came to give Arushi milk at night time. That's when she saw tears full in Arushi eyes. She tried her best to get answer from Arushi but Arushi was stubborn like her father and that's when Khushi noticed she might of have seen Arnav raising her hand on her.

Lately, she stopped pushing for solutions.She quit blaming her husband for not loving her. She took credit for her part in the demise of their marriage and that whatever they do next; take time apart, move out, move on, divorce...Now it was up to him.

He told her tonight that he plans to move to the guest house, she was so happy to hear him talk to her. She asked him when so she can start packing and that's when he said he was going alone. A tear roll downs her cheek and she stood where she was. Not even turning around to look at him in his eyes and ask him for answer. She ran down to the guest room.

He came to the guest room. She was still sobbing. She opened her mouth to object (But what about her and Arushi) but before she could make any sound she remembered when she asked him for divorce and he didn't said anything. Now he is leaving her and Arushi in RM so they won't have any problems if they leave the RM. He had made his decision to leave them but not giving her the divorce. He was moving to guest house and her in RM.

She wasn't even sure how many emotions she feeling all at once. She wanted to fight with him. Yell, scream and cry for doing this.

He went back to his room and started packing. While she ran to his room and held his feets not leave Arushi and her alone. He didn't even bother to look at her. Instead he pushed her back and left while she ran behind her. While running she hit her leg on the glass table. She started bleeding but didn't care at all. Right now she needed to stop him. But before she could reach to him the RM door got closed. Khushi started feeling dizzy and fell on the floor.

She opened her eyes and looked around. It was all dark and turned to his side and their he was sleeping peacefully. Still caressing Arushi hair while his left arm was on Khushi waist. She couldn't believe it was just a dream. It felt so real but she was also glad he was with her and Arushi.

Khushi moved toward him and kissed him on his lips.

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